Schedule for Lecture Week 2: 15/10-19/10

Hi all, here's the schedule for the second lecture week. We are trying to hold as many sessions as possible in larger rooms this time.

This week we will have lectures from Charles on Mixture Density Networks, Zia on computer vision and deep learning, and Renan (via video from Brazil) on mobile robotics.

We will also have paper presentations from half of you and project updates. I've assigned paper presentations and project reports to sessions below and via email. 

Looking forward to seeing it all!

Monday 15/10 - Room: 3437 Seminarrom C (level 3)

1415: welcome back
1430: Charles: Mixture Density Networks - slides, jupyter notebooks
1515: Project Reports 1 (5 groups)
1600: break
1615: Project Reports 2 (4 groups)
1700: Pizza

Tuesday 16/10: Room: Probably 2458 Seminarrom Postscript (level 2) - fallback in ROBIN pause area
1415: Zia part 1 (Feature Extraction)
1500: break
1515: Zia part 2 (Feature Extraction)
1600: break
1615: Student Papers Presentation 1
1700: Break (no food today!)
1715: Discussion and Feedback Time
1800: finish

Wednesday 17/10: Room: TBA (sorry!) - fallback in ROBIN pause area
1415: Renan part 1 (Mobile Robotics)
1500: break
1515: Renan part 2 (Mobile Robotics)
1600: break
1615: Student Papers Presentation 2
1700: Break - Pizza!
1715: Discussion and Feedback Time
1800: finish

Thursday 18/10: Room: 1456 Seminarrom Shell (level 1)
1415: Renan part 3 (Mobile Robotics)
1500: break
1515: Renan part 4 (Mobile Robotics)
1600: break
1615: Student Papers Presentation 3
1700: Break - Sandwiches Provided!
1715: Discussion and Feedback Time
1800: finish

Friday 19/10 Room: 3437 Seminarrom C (level 3)

1415: Time for Extra Presentations
1500: Extra time for questions and group work

Published Oct. 10, 2018 3:00 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2018 9:23 AM