Feedback - some words about the process

To give and receive feedback on a text that you hand in may contribute to learning;)

Each group is expected to give feedback to the next project on the list. That is, project 1 give feedback to project 2 etc, and the last project give feedback to project 1.

Each person is also expected to give feedback to one other individual assignment.  I suggest that we keep it simple, and follow the same order here; that you give feedback to the "next" on the list.  That is:  the first person in project 1 gives feedback to the second person in project 1, etc.

You can send the feedback on e-mail - or place it in your project folder.

There are no rules for providing or giving feedback.  However, one much-used approach is the "two star and a wish" - method.   Try to find a couple of things in the document that you appreciate, and say something about this (stars).  If you find something that you disagree with, something that you wish to see different - try to say this (wish).  Depending on how much time you spend (30 minutes?) you might end up with more stars and more wishes.

Good reading and reviewing


Publisert 26. sep. 2019 16:44 - Sist endret 26. sep. 2019 16:44