Delivery of the final report

Hi all!

Hope your projects are wrapping up nicely! We have received some questions regarding the structure of the final report.

  • The report must be delivered in Inspera by Friday 29th of November, 23:59. We know that there is an assignment in devilry called final report, but you can ignore this. Also note that we are not able to accept any report sent by e-mail or any other method than Inspera. This is due to the rules for exams set by the administration.
  • Each of you have to deliver the report as a single PDF. You will not be able to deliver together as a group. However, you can collaborate in writing the report.
  • As mentioned in the project description the report should have a collective part and an individual part. The collective part describes what you did together (the project as a whole), while the individual part describes your own contribution. Your individual part should be tied to the collective part in a cohesive way. You may use the same text for the collective part in your final deliveries, but the individual part has to be your own.

Good luck on the final stretch!

Published Nov. 27, 2024 6:13 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2024 6:13 PM