Upcoming deadlines for project 3

Hi all!

We hope that project 3 is going well for you. This is just a reminder about the upcoming deadlines for the posters and final reports.

  • Poster printing: The deadline for sending us your group’s final poster is Thursday 16. November at 10:00. The poster should be delivered as a PDF in A0 portrait format. We will print the poster for you and bring it to the poster presentation venue. If you do not send us your poster by this deadline, we will assume that you print and bring the poster yourself!
  • Poster presentation: The poster presentations are at Tuesday 21. November 10:15-14:00. We meet in the lobby by the main entrance of the OJD building. We will evaluate your poster presentations, but you are also encouraged to visit each other’s posters within the two hours. Remember to also bring the demos for your projects!
  • Final report: Deadline is Tuesday 28. November. The administration has told us that the submission has to be through the university’s official channels (Inspera); more information on how you do this will follow.

Best regards, The teaching team

Publisert 8. nov. 2023 16:47 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2023 16:47