09.00: Jenny Jie Sheng
09.45: Kristian Saub? W?rdal
10.30: Magnus Amble
11.15: Sindre Norli
12.00: Erlend Akre
12.45: Yini Chen
Project presentations will be held May 31st 10.15 - 12.00 in room Blackbox (3217)
We have extended the deadline for project submission to May 23rd (23:59). The project presentation is moved accordingly to May 31st.
The exam in IN5220 will be oral du to the low number of candidates. The target date is June 9th and we will check with the administration for eventual colliding exams. If you already know you have colliding exams, please let us know.
There was an error in the schedule indicating lecture on April 20th. The lecture will be April 25th.
Given the requirements for the Cadence design exercise, you will end up with very high open loop gain of the operational amplifier. We assume you will not be able to meet this gain requirement and therefore ask you to make it as high as you practically can using standard topologies found in text-books and reasonable efforts. In addition we ask you to explain how the limited gain will affect the performance of the SC Integrator.
Please also note that you can still re-use your op-amp design in the course project as the gain requirements in the ADC circuit will be more relaxed.
The deadline for handing in exercise 3 is extended. The new deadline is 30.03.22 14:00
The project groups are now ready, and are as follows>
Group 1: Magnus Amble, Sindre Norli, Kristian Saub? W?rdahl
Group 2: Erlend Akre, Yini Chen
Group 3: Emil Wegger Hultin, Jenny Jie Sheng
Separate group chats in MS Teams is created. These can be used for communication within the groups. The teaching staff does also have access to these groups, making us able to answer questions related to your specific designs easier.
To ease the setup of corners, copy this CSV file into your virtuoso folder.
Today's lecture (24.1.2022) will be on zoom only
Welcome to IN5220, the course will start with lectures on Monday January 17th, 14.15 - 16.00. Unless informed otherwise, the first lecture will be on Zoom, but we will try to move to physical lectures as soon as possible.