Exam, grades, and times

Hi all, 

The exam is approaching! Read the below information, with some more information on how we'll grade based on the group's performance.

Also, check the times proposed, and get in touch with us if those times are a bad fit with your other course (we can then easily move those with Wednesday times - the Friday times are set).





Students who have fulfilled the mandatory assignments of the course (see 4. Mandatory assignments) can take the course exam. We will decide on the date for the exam together, so it doesn’t clash with other exams. Probably early/mid December.


The exam is an oral group exam where you will present the mandatory group assignment (see above). The allotted time for each group will be 40 minutes, where 25 minutes (sharp) is reserved for the presentation, and 15 minutes for questions and answers. All group members must actively participate in the presentation and following discussion.


When we evaluate the presentations, we evaluate you as a group. Your main objective is to ensure that the group as a whole does as good a job as possible in presenting your case and analysis. The grades given will be individually, and only in exceptional cases will we consider giving individuals different grades from the rest of the group. For example, if someone does not present and is unable to answer any questions related to your case and analysis in the Q&A session. 


Dates, times, room

Room: Logo (2nd floor)


December 11th

Group 1: 10.00

Group 3: 11.00

Group 5: 12.00


December 13th

Group 2: 09.00

Group 4: 10.00

Publisert 4. des. 2024 06:14 - Sist endret 4. des. 2024 06:14