
Published Dec. 3, 2021 10:18 AM

Hi, the slots are now fixed. I also have found a sensor who knows
field. It was not so easy, since the one I usually take had no time and at the end of semester everyone is busy with their own exams etc.

However, the sensor has a meeting in the middle of the day. To fit everyone else in, we start with the first slot at


        08:45 (not 09:00).

The exams will all be a room in the 8th floor (not in the 9th, where my office is). The room is

   8161 Procyon

I have sent an individual email to those, who told me that they are
taking the course and want to go the the exam. So, all those should know their time.

If you did not receive or read your email, send an email to fix it



Published Aug. 27, 2021 1:45 PM

The lectures have started (physically). Here on this page (as usual) will be slides, a script, other material, beskjeder etc. See also the email I sent, resp.


The latter one won't be used for important beskjeder, it's more for tangetial issues.