Curriculum in cloud-based transaction systems.

  1. The following overview paper on the use of formal methods at the University of Illinois Center for Assured Cloud Computing: Rakesh Bobba, Jon Grov, Indranil Gupta, Si Liu, José Meseguer, Peter Csaba ?lveczky, and Stephen Skeirik: Survivability: Design, Formal Modeling, and Validation of Cloud Storage Systems Using Maude. This is a chapter in the book Assured Cloud Computing, edited by Roy H. Campbell, Charles A. Kamhoua, and Kevin A. Kwiat. Wiley and IEEE, 2018.   The pdf is available at UiO at     The same paper (with essentially the same content) is also available as a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign technical report Design, Formal Modeling, and Validation of Cloud Storage Systems using MaudeI see that the book version has screwed up the formatting; probably better to read the tech.rep. version.
  2. The following paper by engineers at Amazon Web Services about the use of formal methods at AWS: How Amazon Web Services Uses Formal Methods, Communications of the ACM,
  3. Si Liu, Atul Sandur, José Meseguer, Peter Csaba ?lveczky, and Qi Wang: Generating Correct-by-Construction Distributed Implementations from Formal Maude Designs, In Proc. NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12229. Springer, Cham. .  Again the pdf is available from UiO from the above link.
Publisert 20. okt. 2021 11:37 - Sist endret 20. okt. 2021 11:47