Session May 2

Hi everyone, 

On Thursday May 2, you will provide each other peer feedback on the reflection notes. You will then edit your notes based on the feedback, before you share it with the whole class. 

In your feedback, please emphasize clarity and whether something should be added to the notes. 

During the session, we will do the following actions:

  1. Each student reads the assigned reflection note (approx 15 min)
  2. In groups, give feedback (10 + 10 minutes)

We will do this twice (two rounds), so that everyone gets feedback from two other groups. 

Round 1:

  • Dessert-Game
  • Sweet-Insect
  • Vegetable-Fruit
  • Bird-Fish

Round 2:

  • Dessert-Insect
  • Sweet-Game
  • Vegetable-Fish
  • Bird-Fruit



Publisert 30. apr. 2024 13:58 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2024 13:58