Exam: date + time

1 week before the exam (i.e., end of this week), Ifi-administration will send out the list to all students:  Who has exam on which of the 2 days (but only with tentative times during this day). After this the list is not be changed anymore.
At the day of your exam (30.11.23 or 1.12.23, the routine is the same for both days): all students for this day have to meet at 11:00AM precisely at Ifi-reception (4.floor, entrance B), we will call your name and registered which students are there, students that do not show up will loose their exam slot, and the last students of this day will move to this/these earlier slot(s).
First after this procedure the Ifi-admin. will make the final lists with the final exam times for each student and post them on the wall at Ifi-reception.
Summarized: you will know the day of your exam end of this week, but the exact time of your exam will first be determined after the meeting at 11:00AM of your exam day.

Publisert 23. nov. 2023 13:49 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2023 13:51