Presentasjon av artikler som obligatoriske oppgaver:
Obligartoriske oppgaver i kurset vil v?re at studentene selv skal presentere artikler de to f?rste timene hver forelesning. Temaene i artiklene vil v?re knyttet til forrige ukes nye stoff. Det vil bii omlag 15 artikler hver p? 10-20 sider, hvor disse vil bli delt ut p? forelesningene - eventuelt v?re tilgjengelige on-line.
Dato |
Foredragsholdere |
Artikkel (tema) |
Presentasjon |
Hagen Echzell |
For the topic "Fiber-optical communication": Xiang Liu and Frank Effenberger, "Emerging Optical Access Network Anna Pizzinat, Philippe Chanclou, Fabienne Saliou, and Thierno
Presentation |
Ulrik Palmstr?m |
For the topic "Software Defined Networking to Network Automation": W. Xia, Y. Wen, C. Foh, D. Niyato, and H. Xie, "A Survey on Software-Defined Networking", IEEE COMMUNICATION SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 17, NO. 1, 2015 |
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Madelen Dalseth |
For the topic "IP-router architecture": H. Jonathan Chao, "Next Generation Routers,"
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Cancelled |
28.02 |
Priyanka S. Krishna |
For the topic "Big Data": Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. In: 6th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, USENIX Association., 2004. Abadi D, Franklin MJ, Gehrke J, et al. The beckman report on database research. Commun ACM. 2016;59(2):92-99. doi:10.1145/2845915. |
Vegar Reitan, Kristian Torkveen |
For the topic "Multicast i Internet": "The Evolution of Multicast: From the MBone to Interdomain Multicast to Internet2 Deployment", K.C. Almeroth, IEEE Network, January/February 2000. Sidene 10-17 er pensum. |
27.03 |
Andrew Adrians
For the topic "WLAN Communications": J. Zyren and A. Petrick, IEEE 802.11 Tutorial |
03.04 |
Halvor Mortensen, Georgios Pallikaras |
For the topic "Internet of Things": "Wi-Fi Enabled Sensors for Internet of Things: a practical |
17.04 |
Martin Evandt, Fikret K. |
For the topic "Cyber security and malware analysis": A Taxonomy of Botnet Structures" - |
24.04 |
Anton Fofanov |
For the topic "IP QoS": "An Architectural Comparison of ST-II and RSVP", D.J. Mitzel, D. Estrin, S. Shenker, and L. Zhang, Proceedings INFOCOM 1994. |
Presentation |
24.04 | ?yvind Magnus Gaupe Lunde Elgst?en? |
For the topic "IPv6": Xianhui Che, Lewis Dylan, "IPv6: Current Deployment and Migration Status", International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS) Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2010. |
08.05 |
Jonas Remi Soares Khan |
For the topic "WLAN Communications": |
Andrei-Alin Corodescu |
For the topic "AI for network traffic control" for your own information and self-study if you have interest |
Presentation |