Assignment 3 - errata


I have uploaded updated assignment description. The assignment description consists of 2 changes:

1) Page 3 - table - last row - the start value should be 7 (it was written as 6 previously. I have modified it).

2) page 5 - output - configuration 2 - changed the 'm' value from 10 to 20.

3) First letters in node names should be capitalized (eg:- Node 1, Node 2) to generate the same indexes provided in the examples.

1) I have updated the hash function (from sha3 to md5). It generated collision when sha-512 is used. I have changed the hash function. Now it is collision free.

I appologize for the inconvenience. Please let me know if there is any more bugs in the code.

Publisert 25. okt. 2022 21:56 - Sist endret 25. okt. 2022 21:56