
Published May 9, 2022 2:17 PM

Due to sickness amongst the censors, the results will be delayed. 

Date for publishing of grades will be June 7th.  

Published Mar. 27, 2022 2:54 PM

Welcome to the last week of IN5010/IN9010! It will be a busy week. We start Monday with the presentations on the same topic as the group zine. Remember, you don't present your zine. The presentation is focusing on the academic public, while the zines are for the general public. The order of presentations is as follows: group 1; group 4; group 2; group 5; group 3; group 6. Same number of slides and time as the previous presentations.

On Tuesday I will give a summary/overview of the course and answer all questions about the exam.

On Wednesday I will be around and can help out with printing mini-zines, printing posters, preparing for the exhibition, etc.

On Thursday the last day of the course, which we will celebrate with an exhibition of the group zines and mini-zines in the library. Invite your friends and colleagues. There will be drinks and cakes an...

Published Mar. 21, 2022 7:49 AM

Group 1: Technofix-Airtags; Zine: ?

Group 2: Technofix-Predictive policing; Zine: 5G

Group 3: Technofix: Electric cars; Zine: Predictive policing

Group 4: Technofix-Ocean cleanup; Zine: Slaughterbots

Group 5: Technofix-Plant-based meat; Zine: (Metaverse)

Group 6: Technofix-Wind turbines: Zine: (Metaverse)

Published Mar. 18, 2022 11:05 AM

I decided to publish the link to the collaborative IN5010 playlist anyways. It is an unorganised mix of songs. Add if you want - but don't delete. All Neil Young songs are already gone :-(

Published Mar. 1, 2022 5:08 PM
Published Feb. 23, 2022 10:18 AM

Dear students, looking forward to meeting you next week. The standard is that we meet in class. Only if you need to take your 4 days corona isolation, or you have another health issue, can you attend over zoom. The 80% mandatory participation includes then the meetings you attend over Zoom. If you happen to be in isolation on Feb 28, when I introduce the course, let me know asap. Lara Okafor will be the teaching assistant in the course and they will organise and facilitate your participation in Zoom.

PS. The list with 10 mandatory readings is now available as a downloadable pdf file and as a webpage. I will try to fill out Leganto too.

Published Feb. 3, 2022 5:50 PM

Dear students, good news, we can meet at IFI. Because of the ongoing high infection rate, we are asked to provide also digital teaching, so we keep the hybrid format, but I have added some activities that take place at the IFI Library. I will explain everything at the first mandatory meeting. Please check the meeting times in the schedule - these count for the 80% mandatory participation. The other hours you can use for group work, reading, etc, and do not count for the 80%.

Published Jan. 17, 2022 1:00 PM

To all students / PhD candidates registered for the course: welcome!

I have been waiting for a while to write this message. I was considering different scenarios under different corona rules. No one can foresee what happens in March during the course. I have therefore decided to do a hybrid version, with zoom-based lectures (but a smaller group can attend in class, depending on the rules), as well as workshop-like meetings with smaller groups. Only the zoom-based lectures and student presentations are mandatory and count for the 80% mandatory participation and other mandatory assignments. This way you don't miss class when you are in quarantine or have tested positive. Of course, I would have preferred to meet you all in person - and maybe we do through the smaller group meetings. I have learned from last years digital teaching that zoom lecturess should be short and to the point. I will do my best. I am working on the schedule and reading materials. More informat...