Welcome to IN4380: Information about the first lecture

Dear all

The start of IN4380 is getting close, so here is a bit of information about the course.

First of all, we are looking very much forward to welcoming you and take you through a thorough introduction to Digital Transformation of Healthcare. During the course you will get introduced to a number of perspectives that will provide you with the necessary background knowledge for working within digital health. 


The course is organized as a series of lectures followed by seminars where we will discuss the core content. A detailed schedule will be available on the course page soon. This schedule will be updated as we progress through the semester, so you will have access to the necessary readings and course material in advance of each lecture and seminar. 


The first introductory lecture takes place on Monday January 23rd from 14.15-16.00. Here, you will hear about the course formalities as well as we will introduce a "map" that will help you connect the different lectures. In preparation for this lecture, please read Kichbusch et al (2021) page 1-18.

If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail on sunedm@ifi.uio.no or monsted@ifi.uio.no.

Kind regards, 
Sune Dueholm Müller and Troels M?nsted

Publisert 16. jan. 2023 15:56 - Sist endret 16. jan. 2023 15:56