
Publisert 30. mai 2023 11:46

Dear all

As I have unfortunately fallen sick, I am forced to postpone the feedback meetings that were planned later today to Thursday. Your time slots will remain the same and I hope this does not collide with other plans for you. I will update all calendar invitations with the new day. 

I apologize for any inconvenience, 

Publisert 28. mai 2023 21:10

Dear all

Hereby the schedule for the feedback meetings on Tuesday. Zoom-links will be send directly to those where this apply:

15.00: Omar Elkadi

15.15: Marie Fauconnier

15.30: Ida Kvale

15.45: Mohammad Anas Ali

16.00: Synne Try Gumpen

16.15: Noor Sabrina Binti Mohd Azli Lee

16.30: Karina Foss? Hettervik

Kind regards,

Publisert 22. mai 2023 12:54

As per usual, you are invited to receive feedback on your mandatory assignment 4. This is optional, and to book a feedback meeting you must sign up by sending an email to 

The meetings will take place on Tuesday, May 30th 15-17 and the deadline for requesting a meeting is Friday May 26th at 16.

Kind regards, 


Publisert 15. mai 2023 13:39

Dear all

For unknown reasons, the course page does not allow me to upload slides from lecture 12 and seminar 12 on their respective entries on the course page. These slides are therefore available under Lecture 13: The digital change agent. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

You can also access the slides here:

Slides: Lecture 12 - designing and executing digital health services

Slides: Seminar 12 - designing and executing digital health services

Kind regards, 

Publisert 15. mai 2023 12:29

Dear all,

Here is the mandatory assignment 4. Address BOTH of the following two questions:

  • Question 1: What are the most important challenges for implementation of new digital technologies in healthcare and what approach to implementation do you recommend is followed in Norway? (max. 1 page)
  • ...
Publisert 11. mai 2023 14:23

Dear all

As some students are blocked to participate in the summary lecture that is scheduled on May 22nd, we have decided to repeat this session on the seminar on May 23rd. The content of these sessions will be identical and it is optional which of the sessions you decided to participate in. 

In this course summary, we tie all the lectures together by relating the topics to the “map” presented during the introductory lecture. We also provide information about the exam and discuss any questions you may have about the syllabus and content of the course. In preparation for the session, you are asked to consider if you have any questions you would like to have discussed. 

Publisert 1. mai 2023 15:17

Dear all,

Grades have now been registered in the system.

Optional feedback on mandatory assignment #3 is given Friday (May 5th) 17-19.

You need to sign up Wednesday at the latest if you are interested.

Best, Sune

Publisert 28. apr. 2023 10:40

Dear all

I realized that the instructions for how to prepare for the next lecture, in particular how to read the BioDesign student guide, were unclear. I have therefore updated the information on the course page. In sum, the instructions on how to read the student guide is now as follows:

(a) Gain overview of the Biodesign model as a whole by scanning over the purpose and main instructions for each step. 

(b) Focus your reading on the following steps (in the lecture, I will draw on relevant information from other steps): 

  • Phase 1 - Identify:
    • Need finding and validation through clinical observations
    • Need finding and validation through interviews
    • Need screening and selection.
  • Phase 2 - Invent:
    • Concept screening and selection
    • Prototyping: Questions and plan
    • Prototyping: Test assess and iterat...
Publisert 17. apr. 2023 16:03

Dear all,

Here is the mandatory assignment. Address BOTH of the following two questions:

  • Question 1: What are some of the key healthcare challenges that selective emerging technologies help address and how? (max. 1 page)
  • Question 2: What are some of the challenges in implementing these technologies in practice and why? (max. 1 page)

The deadline is April 25th, 23:59.

The maximum length is 2 pages.

The assignment is uploaded to “Devilry” (

It is a pass/no pass assignment.

Kind regards, Sune

Publisert 11. apr. 2023 00:26

Dear all,

I hope you have all had a joyful Easter.

In case you did not attend the lecture and seminar before Easter, let me repeat: There is no seminar tomorrow. Next lecture and subsequent seminar are on the 17th and 18th of April, respectively.

See you soon. :)

Best, Sune

Publisert 17. mars 2023 13:22

Dear all

Many of you have asked for feedback on your mandatory assignments. We both understand and appreciate this request and will of course be happy to discuss your responses with you. We have therefore decided to offer individual 10-minute feedback meetings for those who are interested. The instructions for the meetings are as follows:

  • After each mandatory assignment, feedback-meetings will be offered in a specified timeslot (see plan for feedback on mandatory assignments 1 and 2 below).
  • If you wish to receive feedback, you are required to actively request a meeting. You do this by notifying the responsible teacher by email before the registration deadline.
  • A schedule for the meetings will be published no later than the day before by noon. Please check your meeting time and be sure to be there on time.

Feedback for mandatory assignment 1

  • When: Friday, March ...
Publisert 13. mars 2023 11:23

Dear all

We are now halfway through the course and we are very interested in hearing your experience and opinions. We therefore kindly ask you to fill out the following questionnaire: 

This is intended as a formative course evaluation. We are therefore interested in hearing your views on what works well. More importantly we ask about your suggestions for what can be changed to improve your learning outcomes. We will then do our best to implement relevant suggestions in the remaining parts of the course. You will get time to fill out the questionnaire on the lecture today, but if you do not attend please take a few moments to contribute to the evaluation. 

Kind regards, 
Sune and Troels

Publisert 6. mars 2023 13:46

Dear all,

Here is the mandatory assignment #2. Address BOTH of the following two questions:

  • Question 1: What are the most important challenges for improving data and information flow in Norwegian primary and secondary healthcare? (max. 1 page)
  • ...
Publisert 1. mars 2023 10:41

Dear all

The exam dates are now set and the information is updated on the course page.

As previously announced, the exam on IN4380 is a 72-hour written take-home assignment. The assignment will be handed out on June 6th at 12:00 (noon), and the submission deadline is June 9th at 12:00 (noon). 

Kind regards, 
Sune and Troels

Publisert 22. feb. 2023 05:32

Dear all,

Most of you have handed in the 1st mandatory assignment. A few of you have made special agreements with me to hand in a few days later via e-mail.

If those of you who still have not handed in or reached out to me wish to complete the course, please contact me before Friday to make arrangements.

Best, Sune

Publisert 13. feb. 2023 16:10

Dear all,

Here is the mandatory assignment. Address BOTH of the following two questions:

  • Question 1: What are some of the important contextual factors influencing digital health innovations? (max. 1 page)
  • Question 2: How do these contextual factors impact digital health initiatives in Norway? (?-1 page)

The deadline is February 20th, 23:59.

The maximum length is 2 pages.

The assignment is uploaded to “Devilry” (

It is a pass/no pass assignment.

Kind regards, Sune

Publisert 16. jan. 2023 15:56

Dear all

The start of IN4380 is getting close, so here is a bit of information about the course.

First of all, we are looking very much forward to welcoming you and take you through a thorough introduction to Digital Transformation of Healthcare. During the course you will get introduced to a number of perspectives that will provide you with the necessary background knowledge for working within digital health. 


The course is organized as a series of lectures followed by seminars where we will discuss the core content. A detailed schedule will be available on the course page soon. This schedule will be updated as we progress through the semester, so you will have access to the necessary readings and course material in advance of each lecture and seminar. 


The first introductory lecture takes place on Monday January 23rd from 14.15-16.00. Here, you will he...