Please see here for the solution suggestions for the exam questions.
Each student is allowed to bring to the digital exam, on June 12, one two-sided A4 page with hand-written notes plus a calculator. No other assistance is allowed.
Please read this page which details the curriculum. The last lecture (Thursday May 23) will be devoted to Q&A.
Please read this document about the mandatory project. Deadline for submission: Friday May 10, 23:59.
According to the official course description, every student should finish a mandatory partial exam and a mandatory project during the semester. Each will count as 20% in the final grade. (The final digital written exam will count 60%.)
The submission deadline of the mandatory partial exam will be Wednesday April 3. The details of the numerical problem to be programmed and solved, as well as what needs to be submitted by each student, will be announced about 3 weeks in advance.
The submission deadline for the project is Friday May 10. About 3 weeks in advance a common topic for the project will be announced. Those students who wish to individually design her/his own project must send a proposal at least 4 weeks in advance, so that each individually proposed project can be approved, potent...
Students of IN4200 should frequently check the semester webpage of IN3200 (a clone of IN4200), where updated info is published.