After some internal discussions we have decided to distribute feedback on the final delivery via e-mail.
This will be distributed today (09.12.2021) to the student that sent the final delivery. Grades will not be revealed at this point, as previously pointed out.
Each question is weighted equally in terms of the actual grade. However, this does not necessarily mean that you need to write the same amount of text on each task.
Remember to NOT write your name on the delivery, just your candidate number.
You can write in both Norwegian and English, dependent on what you may prefer.
Max words: 2000
Dear students,
Here is this year`s home exam.
Deadline: 17th december, 23:59 pm to be delivered in Inspera
Use standard academic reference.
We are sorry to inform you that there has been a misunderstanding when it comes to feedback for delivery #2. Since this is a part of the exam we should not provide feedback for the final delivery. There will be only one overall mark, where this delivery and the individual exam are seen in conjunction, thus you will not get your own mark for this delivery. However, tomorrow we will discuss some common issues related to the deliveries.
The feedback on your delivery will be sent by email to the student that delivered during the day, and they should distribute the feedback to the rest of the group. We have provided a report template that can help you organize the final delivery, at the same time it gives you some hints of what we expect.
For those of you it may concern, here is last year`s exam available.
Here is a new version of the group assignment. In addition to sending us an overview of the group on e-mail please fill out this form. This form can also be used to find group participants.
Beskrivelse av gruppeoppgaven. Husk at gruppeoppgaven m? best?s for ? levere den individuelle oppgaven.