
This is an overview of the mandatory readings for the exam. The syllabus generally consists of the lecture slides, weekly exercises, mandatory assignments, along with additional readings, described below.


Jurafsky & Martin 3rd ed. (January 2023 version):

  • Chapter 2 (text normalization): only sections 2.2 and 2.4
  • Chapter 3 (n-gram LMs): until and including 3.5
  • Chapter 4 (Na?ve Bayes): except 4.9
  • Chapter 5 (Logistic regression): except 5.10
  • Chapter 6 (vectors and embeddings): except 6.6
  • Chapter 7 (neural networks): until and including 7.5
  • Chapter 8 (sequence labeling): except 8.7
  • Chapter 9 (RNNs and LSTMs): only 9.8 (in connection with MT)
  • Chapter 10 (Transformers): 10.1, 10.2 and 10.4
  • Chapter 11 (fine-tuning and MLM): until and including 11.2
  • Chapter 13 (machine translation)
  • Chapter 15, "Dialogue systems and chatbots: the full chapter
  • Chapter 16, "Speech recognition", only 16.1 and 16.5 (and excluding the part on statistical significance).

NLTK book:

  • Chapter 1: section 3
  • Chapter 2: sections 2, 4, 5
  • Chapter 5: sections 1, 2, 5, 7
  • Chapter 6: sections 1, 3, 5

Other obligatory readings:

Additional readings mentioned in the course but not required for the exam:

  • Jurafsky & Martin, Appendix A (Viterbi algorithm)
  • IR book, chapter 13 (Bernoulli Na?ve Bayes)
  • Forcada (2017) on machine translation


We expect you to know the formulas listed below. However, the most important is to understand the logic behind them and to be able to explain how they should be applied and what they are used for.

  • Zipf’s laws, type-token ratio, (conditional) frequency distributions
  • Accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, micro- and macro-averaging
  • Bayes’ theorem, Na?ve Bayes training and prediction formulas
  • Additive smoothing
  • Perceptron prediction formula and update rule
  • Softmax, logistic regression update rule
  • HMM training formula, greedy and Viterbi inference formulas
  • Language model interpolation, perplexity
  • Cosine similarity, TF-IDF weighting, analogical parallelograms
  • Sigmoid function, ReLU, cross-entropy loss
  • Self-attention
  • Response selection in IR-based dialogue systems
  • Word error rate
  • Bellman equation (and the definition of MDPs)
  • BLEU score
  • Formulas for group fairness


Other useful links for the exam preparation:

Published Nov. 17, 2023 3:00 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2023 2:48 PM