Jurafsky and Martin, new edition

Next time you visit the web page for the Jurafsky and Martin book (3 ed.), you will see they updated the draft September 21. There are no major changes to the parts of the book we have have considered so far. For these parts, it does not matter whether you use the Dec. 2020 or the Sept. 2021 version.

The largest changes we have observed:

  • Added a new section 3.3 "Sampling sentences from a language model". It explains better the n-gram generated sentences from Shakespeare we considered in lecture 06. This new section should be read.
  • If you had problems understanding the n-fold cross-validation in section 4.8, the explanation is now expanded.
  • Typos are corrected throughout. This includes some of the technical parts of ch.5 and ch.6. In particular, for sec. 4.8 Word2vec, you are recommended to use the 2021 edition.
Published Sep. 23, 2021 10:15 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2021 10:22 PM