
Published Jan. 26, 2019 11:10 AM

One of you kindly pointed out a mistake in our originally posted solution to the exam. A '0' in the calculation at point (1g) should have been '1'. This also resulted in a wrong sum. This is now corrected.

We have looked through our assessment of all your solutions at this point and see that the typo had no influence on the assessment.

Jan Tore

Published Nov. 26, 2018 10:54 AM

In editing the syllabus page a week ago, some of the information on lecture 16-including links to the presentation and recording-disappeared. I have now restored that.

In the reading list for lectures 15 and 16, I included two chapters from Miroslav Kubat, An Introduction to Machine Learning. Chapter 11 Performance Evaluation is mainly a repetition of concepts well-known by now, but was included because of two important new sections, one on Learning Curves (11.4) and one on "Performance in multi-level domains". Afterwards, I recognized that I had consulted with the 2015-edition of Kubat's book. In the 2017-edition, to which the syllabus page links, this subsection is moved to chapter 13, and the section is called "13.7 Criteria for performance Evaluation". This is an important read.

Observe also, that even though we covered this section in the lecture, the published presentation does not include the formulas due...

Published Nov. 16, 2018 11:03 AM

The regular lectures and lab sessions are completed. We will have two sessions where we work on relevant earlier exam questions. Wednesday 21 Nov. and Wednesday 28 Nov. See the syllabus page.

Published Oct. 29, 2018 9:11 AM

The first part of mandatory assignment 3 is out, the second part will be out soon.

There is no group session today, Monday 29 Oct. There will be a group session next Monday, 5 Nov, were you will get help with mandatory assignment 3. You are advised to start the work ahead of the group session and bring your questions.

Fredrik and Jan Tore

Published Oct. 16, 2018 4:41 PM

This time of the year, the research groups at IFI present topics for master's thesis (see this page for all the meetings). The Language Technology Group will present topics in an information meeting, Thursday 18 Oct at 4:15pm in room Prolog. Topics are presented on this page.  There will be more topics to choose from before the meeting.

Published Oct. 14, 2018 4:09 PM

Wednesday 17 Oct, Fredrik will give a second lecture on vector semantics.

This concludes the "word-based" part of the course. We will proceed to sentences starting with phrase-structure, phrase-structure grammars and parsing. This should be well-known to about half of you, who have taken INF2820. Hence we will cover this in a Thursday-lecture (as announced at the beginning of the semester), Thursday 18 Oct.

Wednesday 24 Oct. we will proceed with dependency parsing. This should also be new to they who have taken INF2820. 

Published Oct. 12, 2018 9:20 AM

We will give last minute help and advice on mandatory assignment 2, which has deadline Tuesday 16 October. Don't forget that it takes some time to run some of the experiments. Don't start the work too late!

Published Oct. 8, 2018 10:01 AM

Just a friendly reminder about today's lab where I will give advice and help with mandatory assignment 2.

I have also published a template solution for mandatory assignment 1, and will spend a few minutes on some points from that set, and answer questions you may have regarding your solutions or my feedback.

Published Oct. 3, 2018 9:26 AM

The whole mandatory assignment 2 (= Exercise set 5 + Exercise set 6) is now published. We will consider part B = exercise set 6 in the group session, Monday 8 Oct., when we also will give individual help with both parts.

Published Sep. 28, 2018 2:03 PM

In the first hour, we will present and discuss solutions to some points in exercise set 3 and exercise set 4 which will be useful for mandatory assignment 2.

In the second hour, we will start work on the mandatory assignment, which will be published Monday.

Published Sep. 3, 2018 8:44 AM

Someone asked for source file for the text for mandatory assignment 1. It was written in MS Word, hence no source file. I have saved a text only version which I have uploaded. Beware, it is unofficial and may be incomplete! Make sure you check with the PDF-version!

Jan Tore

Published Aug. 31, 2018 12:01 PM

There will be three sets of mandatory assignments. All three sets must be passed to qualify for the exam. The first set is now out. We will start working on it Monday. And even though the deadline is as late as 18 September, you are advised to start now and finish as soon as you can.


Jan Tore

Published Aug. 31, 2018 11:59 AM

From the questionnaire the first week it became clear that while roughly half the class have some background in NLP and half of the class do not, most of you have taken a statistics course earlier. No surprise, only a few students showed up for the lecture on probabilities. Hence we turned the lecture into more of a dialogue session without screencast.

But there are slides.

By the way, if no students show up for a lecture in the future, there will be no screencast :)

Jan Tore

Published Aug. 31, 2018 11:51 AM

Screencast from lecture 2 (Wednesday) is now  available from the syllabus page. They will normally appear a few days after the lectures.

Published Aug. 28, 2018 1:57 PM
  1. There will be screencasts from both the Wednesday and Thursday lectures.
  2. The Wednesday lectures have changed room to Postscript, same room as the Thursday lectures.
  3. There is no screencast from the first lecture, but there are many slides. In case you missed the lecture, make sure that you are familiar with the practical info, slides 20-28 of the presentation.
  4. Also, if you haven't done it so far, please answer the questions regarding background knowledge at

Cheers, Jan Tore

Published Aug. 13, 2018 9:26 PM

Read more about the course and background knowledge here!