
Published June 15, 2021 9:27 PM

If you have questions during the exam, send your questions either through Inspera to the administration (which will collect and forward them to us) or, if you wish, send them directly to us: AND

We will publish the answers on the course web page!

Published June 11, 2021 4:18 PM

You can find last year's exam (exam from spring 2020) with suggested solutions & guidelines here in the same folder as other previous exams.

Published June 8, 2021 9:05 PM

Written home exam in IN4020 – Database Systems

Duration: 4 hours, Wednesday 16th June 2021, from 09:00 AM to 13:00 PM

It is important that you read this cover page carefully before you start.

General information:

  • Important messages during the exam are given directly from the course teacher on the course's semester page or in Canvas (if used in your course). It is therefore important that you check the course's semester page / Canvas room regularly.
  • Your answer should reflect your own independent work and should be a result of your own learning and work effort.
  • All sources of information are allowed for written home exams. If you reproduce a text from books, online articles, etc., a reference to these sources must be provided to avoid suspicions of pla...
Published Feb. 17, 2021 4:29 PM

MANDATORY ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE CHANGED to Friday 7th May. It was published last weekend, which means that you have 2 weeks for the assignment.
A reminder: Remember that we have two mandatory assignments as announced in the introduction lecture. The first one is due Friday 12 March at 23:59 (extended, was due 5 March) and the other one due 30th April (now 7th May). Submissions should be made in Devilry. You will get the assignments about a week in advance. Please stay updated by checking these messages regularly. 

Published Jan. 26, 2021 2:44 PM

I will still be looking into alternatives, but UiO has approved only Padlet, Mattermost and Talkwall. No discourse or Campuswire or Piazza. I know that Padlet and Mattermost are not the most popular, and I have never tried Talkwall. So let us try it :-)

The link is
The wall is here:

You join using the Talkwall PIN: 5837

The first task is “ASK US (140 chars max”). A bit tweet-like. You can use several 140-character posts, though.

Published Jan. 13, 2021 12:53 PM

We were planning to start becoming physical :-) or at least hybrid, but we will have to be digital for a while more. Watch this space for info.

Many have already asked whether the lectures will be recorded. Yes, we always record lectures and publish them in the correct row of the "Schedule" together with the slides.  

PLEASE NOTE that it is difficult to maintain the Web-sites for both IN3020 and IN4020. We will update the IN4020 site only if there is any info or schedule that differs form IN3020. SO PLEASE FOLLOW THE IN4020 STORY ON THE IN3020 SITE but do check whether there is anything new here as well. We will also note any info that is relevant for IN4020 also on the IN3020 site.