Obligatorisk oppgave


This assignment must be completed individually. The submission must be approved prior to submission of the Home Exam 1. To pass the submission you must meet the requirements that are documented here, and be able to explain every aspect of your solution.


Having completed an introductory course on operating systems and networks, including basic C programming, such as IN2140 (or equivalent), is a mandatory prerequisite to taking this course. Should you be lacking such experience for whatever reason, it is your own responsibility to catch up to the competence level we expect our students to have. Make good use of the group and plenary sessions as we will review some relevant concepts there.


The main goal of this mandatory assignment is to ensure that you do have the necessary C programming skills in order to solve the Home Exam(s). The assignment consists of 18 questions which cover concepts such as strings and arrays, memory management, operators, control statements, C preprocessors, functions, pointers, data types, etc. The submission will be approved in case of 15 or more right answers. A question is considered "solved" ONLY when both the answer and explanation are correct.

Here you can download the assignment written in Markdown style format. Fill out the empty metadata fields in the beginning of the document, write the right answer for each question and give a brief explanation (no more than 5 sentences). Note that you ought not to change the content of the questions nor the answer choices.

Submission materials

You must submit the following:

  • The Markdown document that contains:
    • Metadata which provides information about your name, username, submission date and course
    • The answer to the question
    • A brief explanation supporting the chosen answer
Answer: B
Explanation: From man strcpy: The strcpy() and strncpy() functions
return a pointer to the destination string dest. 

Submission requirements

Do not convert the Markdown document to other formats such as Word / Works / Open Office / TeX / PDF. ONLY a Markdown document will be accepted.

Provide the following information in the beginning of the document:



Submission date:

Course code:

The explanation should be brief and concise. Consult Linux man pages for different system calls and functions used in the assignment.

Electronic submission

We highly recommend downloading the Markdown document and not copy-paste from the rendered version of the website. The document, which contains all your answers and explanations for each question, MUST be renamed after your UiO username and be placed in one main directory, which is again named after your username. Create one compressed tar-ball containing that directory. Use the following commands:

$ wget https:// ... /h22/oblig/oblig-in3230-h22.md\?vrtx\=source -O username.md
$ tar -zcvf username.tgz username

Deliver your submission through the Devilry system. You may deliver as many times as you like before the deadline, we will only consider the latest submission.


Wednesday 14 September 2022 by 23:59.

Remember that you cannot deliver a copy of answers from others, but must deliver your own original solution. The requirements for deliveries can be found at: /studier/eksamen/obligatoriske-aktiviteter/mn-ifi-obliger-retningslinjer.html

Explanation Requirements

Teachers will conduct spot checks among the submissions that meet the requirements for approval. Students can be called in for informal meetings. If the explanation is not sufficient, the submission will not be considered as accepted. If the submission is not accepted based on the spot check, it is possible to ask for a formal oral test with a teacher (“fagl?rer”) which covers the same material for approval of the mandatory assignment.

Publisert 1. sep. 2022 08:13 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2022 18:15