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NB Notater og artikler legges ut underveis

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1) Kopier tittelen og s?k den opp i Oria. Logg inn med UiO-brukernavn og passord for ? f? tilgang.

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uke 34: Introduksjon til emnet



Svein notat on forestillingsevne



Neil Selwyn (2015): Education, technology and the sociological imagination – lessons to be learned from C. Wright Mills. Learning, Media and Technology, 42:2, 230-245, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2015.1056190. Tilgjengelig online 

Jennifer Curtis (2020): Failures of the Sociological Imagination: Trump, “Brexit,” and the Politics of Unfinished Conflict. I The Sociological Quarterly 61 (2): 187-205.


uke 35: Begreper om bruk og brukere: bruk er alltid bruk av "noe"



Notat om bruk og brukere

Johan Redstr?m (2008): RE: Definitions of use. I Design Studies 29: 410-423. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2008.05.001

Johan Redstr?m & Heather Wiltse (2015): Press play: acts of defining (in ) fluid assemblages. I Nordes 2015: Design Ecologies (no. 6): 1-10. Elektronisk tilgjengelig.


Tim Ingold (2011): Walking the plank: meditations on a process of skill. Kapittel 4 i Being alive. Essays on movement, knowledge and description, s. 51-62. Routledge. elektronisk kopi

Cummings, M.L. (2006) Automation and Accountability in Decision Support System Interface Design. I The Journal of Technology Studies 32 (1), s. 23-31. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Robert R. Hoffman, Matthew Johnson & David D. Woods (2013). The Seven deadly Myths of “Autonomous Systems”, i IEEE Intelligent Systems mai/juni 2013: 1-9. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Svein Hovde: notat om verkt?y og maskiner

Svein Hovde: notat om kopper

Elisa Giaccardi & Johan Redstr?m (2020). Technology and MMore-Than-Human Design. Design Issues 36 (4): 1-12. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 36: Begreper: bruk er noe man kan (kunnskap & digital kompetanse)



notat om brukskunnskap

Moe, S. (2006). Another dance -- about embodied knowledge. I Falk, E. og Wallin, Weihe (red.) Living crafts. Hertervig Akademisk, s. 101-105. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Gary A. Klein & Robert R. Hoffman (1992): Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of Expertise, i M. Rabinowitz (red.) Cognitive science foundations of instruction, Erlbaum: 203-226. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


Dreyfus, SE. (2004) The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition. I Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, 24 (3), s 177-181. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Dreyfus, Stuart E., & Dreyfus, Hubert L. (1980). A five-stage model of the mental activities involved in directed skill acquisition. California Univ Berkeley Operations Research Center Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

David Wroblewski (1991). The Construction of Human-Computer Interfaces Considered as a Craft. John Karat (red) Taking Software Design Seriously. Academic Press, s. 1-19 Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Janna van Grunsven (2021). Perceptual breakdown during a global pandemic: introducing phenomenological insights for digital mental health purposes, i Ethics and Information Technology 23 (supply 1): 591-598. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Tone Bratteteig & Guri Verne (2016). Old Habits as a Resource for Design: On Learning and U-learning Bodily Knowledge. Int. journal on advances in intelligent systems 9 (3-4): 496-506. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 37: Begreper: bruk skjer i en sammenheng (kontekst & situasjon)



Paul Dourish (2004). What we talk about when we talk about context. I Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8: 19-30. Elektronisk tilgjengelig 

Toni Robertson & Lian Loke (2009). Designing situations. OZCHI, ACM, s. 1-8. Tilgjengelig elektronisk



Lucy Suchman (1987). Situated actions. Kapittel 4 i L. Suchman: Plans and situated actions, Cambridge university press: 49-67. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Svein notat om sykkelen

James Gibson (1977). The Theory of Affordances. Kapittel 3 i R. Shaw & J. Bransford (red): Perceiving and knowing. Lawrence Erlbaum: 67-82. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

James Gibson (1979). The Theory of Affordances. Kapittel 8 i J.Gibson: The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Houghton Mifflin: 127-137. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Rebekka Soma & Jo Herstad (2018). Turning Away from an Anthropocentric View on Robotics. I Coekelbergh m.fl. (red): Envisioning Robots in Society - Power, Politics, and Public Space. IOS Press: 53-62. Elektronisk tilgjengelig

Greyson, D. (2019). The social informatics of ignorance. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology70(4), 412-415. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

uke 38: Begreper: bruk inng?r i menneskelig aktivitet & arbeid



Anselm Strauss (1985). Work and the division of labor. The Sociological Quarterly 26 (1): 1-19. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


Yrj? Engestr?m (2000). Activity theory as a framework for analyzing and redesigning work. Ergonomics 43 (7): 960-974. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


Anselm Strauss (1988), The Articulation of Project Work: An Organizational Process. The Sociological Quarterly 29 (2): 163-178.  Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Les Gasser (2001). The Integration of Computing and Routine Work. ACM Transaction on Information Systems 4 (3). Tilgjengelig elektronisk /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN3220/h24/pensumliste/gasser.pdf

Johanne Oskarsen om Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, kapittel 3 i masteroppgaven om Human-Supported Robot Work. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Svein notat om virksomhetsteori

Yrj? Engestr?m & Virginia Escalante (1995). Mundane Tool or Object of Affection? The Rise and Fall of the Postal Buddy. Chapter 13 in Bonnie Nardi ( red). Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction. MIT Press. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Mervi Hasu (2000). Blind Men and the Elephant. Implementation of a New Artifact as an Expansive Possibility. Outlines. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

David Allen, Stan Karanasios og Mira Slavova (2011). Working With Activity Theory: Context, Technology, and Information Behavior. Journal of teh American Society for Information Science and Technology April 2011. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 39 Begreper: bruk foreg?r i organisasjoner & institusjoner



Notat om organisasjoner


Henry Mintzberg (1980). Structures in 5's: A Synthesis of the Research on Organization Design. Management Science 26 (3): 322-341. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


Notat av Svein om perspektiver p? organisasjoner

James G. March (1991). How Decisions Happen in Organizations. Human-Computer Interaction 6: 95-117. Tilgjengelig her

Michael Lipsky (1980). Street-level bureaucracy: dilemmas of the individual in public services, New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Lenke til bok

Maria R?hneb?k (2016). Fra bakkebyr?krati til skjermbyr?krati. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 19 (4): 288-304. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Alkhatib, A., & Bernstein, M. (2019, May). Street-level algorithms: A theory at the gaps between policy and decisions. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13). Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Hans Dooreward, Bernhard Riesewijk, Will Martens og Harrie Regierung (1987). Dance Machbare. The Fortunes of Integration and segmentation. I Bjerknes, Ehn & Kyng (red): Computers and Democracy, Avebuy: 231-243. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Schmidt, K. & Wagner, I. (2004). Ordering Systems in Architectural Design and Planning. I Journal of CSCW 13 (5-6): 349-408. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Rob Kling og Suzanne Iacono (1984). The control of information systems developments after implementation. Communications of the ACM 27 (12): 1218-1226. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 


uke 40: Begreper: bruk inng?r i komplekse ?kologi og systemer 



Vicky O'Day (2013). Information Ecologies. The Serials Librarian, 28 (1-2): 31-40. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Heekyoung Jung, Erik Stolterman, Will Ryan, Tonya Thompson & Marty Siegel (2008). Toward a framework for ecologies of artifacts: how are digital artifacts interconnected within a personal life?. In Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: building bridges (pp. 201-210).  Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Tone Bratteteig & Guri Verne (2012). Conditions for Autonomy in the Information Society: Disentangling as a public service. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 24 (2): 51-78. Elektronisk tilgjengelig



Tone Bratteteig & Guri Verne (2012). Creating a Space For Change Within Sociomaterial Entanglements. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 24 (2): 105-114. Elektronisk tilgjengelig

Peter Lyle, Henrik Korsgaard & Susanne B?dker (2020). What’s in an Ecology? A Review of Artifact, Communicative, Device and Information Ecologies. In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society (pp. 1-14). Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Jela Steinerova (2019). kommer

Satu Pekkarinen, Mervi Hasu, Helin? Melkas & Eveliina Saari (2020). Information ecology in digitalizing welfare services: a multi-level analysis. Information Technology and People. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Ping Wang (2021). Connecting the Parts with the Whole: Toward an Information Ecology Theory of Digital Innovation Ecosystems. MISQ 45 (1). Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Susanne B?dker & Clemens Ny?landsted Klokmose (2012): Dynamics of artifact ecologiesTilgjengelig elektronisk

Jodi  Forlizzi (2008). The product ecology: Understanding social product use and supporting design culture. International Journal of design2(1). Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Latour, B. alias Johnson J. (1988). Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of a Door-Closer, i Social Problems Vol. 35, No.3. Special Issue: The Sociology of Science and Technology s. 298-310. Oxford University Press Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 41: Problematiseringer & dilemmaer: individuelle problemer & samfunnsproblemer



Janna van Grunsven (2021). Perceptual breakdown during a global pandemic: introducing phenomenological insights for digital mental health purposes, Ethics and Information Technology 23: 91-90. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 
Koschmann, T., Kuutti, K., & Hickman, L. (1998). The concept of breakdown in Heidegger, Leont'ev, and Dewey and its implications for education. Mind, Culture, and Activity5(1), 25-41. Tilgjengelig elektronisk.


Notat av Svein om tr?bbel og om agnotologi 

Glossary of HCI: Breakdown Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Christopher Frauenberger (2019): Entanglement HCI The Next Wave? I ACM ToCHI 27 (1), article 2: 1-27.


uke 42: Problematiseringer: bruk, ikke-bruk, lav-bruk, tvungen bruk & kreativ bruk



Notat om ikke-bruk og lav-bruk

Satchell, C., & Dourish, P. (2009, November). Beyond the user: use and non-use in HCI. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group: Design: Open 24/7 (pp. 9-16). Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Hardey, M. & Atkinson, R. (2018). Disconnected: Non-Users of Information Technologies. Sociological Research Online 23 (3). Tilgjengeling elektronisk (og her)


Baumer, EPS, Burrell, J., Ames, MG, Brubaker, JR & Dourish, P. (2015). On the importance and implications of studying technology non-use. I interactions 22 (2): 52-56 Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Fuchsberger, V., Murer, M. & Tscheligi, M. (2014). Human Computer Non-Interaction: The Activity of Non-Use, DIS 2014, Vancouver. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Van House, N. A. (2015). Entangled with technology: Engagement with Facebook among the young old. First Monday20(11). Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Mariann Hardy & Rowland Atkinson (2018). Disconnected: Non-Users of Information Communication technologies, Sociological Research Online, 1. april 2018. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

tidsskriftet FirstMonday, spesialnummer om ikke-bruk (vol 20 nr 11 2015)

Svein notat om "en burde visst bedre" (om ignoranse og agnotologi)

Antti Salovaara, Sacha Helfenstein & Antti Oulasvirta (2011). Everyday Appropriation of Information Technology: A Study of Creative Uses of Digital Cameras. Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (12): 2347-2363. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 


uke 43: Problematiseringer: reparasjon & mestring, gjenbruk, b?rekraft 



Svein notat om Omsorg for tingene

Odom, W., Pierce, J., Stolterman, E., & Blevis, E. (2009, April). Understanding why we preserve some things and discard others in the context of interaction design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1053-1062). Elektronisk tilgjengelig

Rosner, D. K., & Ames, M. (2014, February). Designing for repair? Infrastructures and materialities of breakdown. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 319-331). Elektronisk tilgjengelig 



Jackson, S. J., & Kang, L. (2014, April). Breakdown, obsolescence and reuse: HCI and the art of repair. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 449-458). Elektronisk tilgjengelig 

Notat om reparasjon 

Isendour, C. & Reno, J. 2019). On materiality and meaning: Ethnographic Engagements with Reuse, Repair & Care, i Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2(1): 1, 1-8 Elektronisk tilgjengelig 

Kannengiesser, S. (2020): Engaging with and reflecting on the materiality of digital media technologies: Repair and fair production, i New media and society, Vol. 22(1) 123-139 Elektronisk tilgjengelig

Ranscombe, C., Blijevens, J. og Thurgood, C. (2022) Old and Appreciated: Exploring the Influence of Material Ageing on the Aesthetic Appreciation of Everyday Products. International Design Conference - Design 2022 Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Law, J & Singleton, V. (2000). Performing Technology’s Stories. On Social Constructivism, Performance and Performativity, i Technology and Culture, vol. 41, s. 765-775 Tilgjengelig elektronisk 


uke 44: Problematiseringer: representasjoner & m?linger, data & indikatorer



Notat om Tillit til tall av Svein

Muller, M., Lange, I., Wang, D., Piorkowski, D., Tsay, J., Liao, Q. V., ... & Erickson, T. (2019, May). How data science workers work with data: Discovery, capture, curation, design, creation. I Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (s. 1-15). Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Kjeld Schmidt (1997). Of maps and scripts -- the status of formal constructs in cooperative work. i Group'97, 138-147. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


Lucy Suchman (1995). Representations of work. Commun. ACM 38, 9 (Sept. 1995), 33–35. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Lucy Suchman (1995). Making work visible. Commun. ACM 38, 9 (Sept. 1995), 56–64. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Ellen Balka, Karen Messing & Pat Armstrong (2006). Indicators for all: including occupational health in indicators for a sustainable healthcare system. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 4 (1): 46-61. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Berman, E. P., & Hirschman, D. (2018). The sociology of quantification: Where are we now?. Contemporary Sociology47(3), 257-266. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Susan Leigh Star (1990). Power, technology and the phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions. The Sociological Review, 38 (1): 26-56. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Suchman, L. (1993). Do Categories have Politics? The language/action perspective reconsidered. I ECSCW'93: 1-14. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Paul Dourish og Graham Button (2009). On "Technomethodology": Foundational Relationships Between Ethnomethodology and System Design. Human-Computer Interaction 13 (4), 395-432. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Tone Bratteteig (2010). A matter of digital materiality, kapittel 5 i Ina Wagner, Tone Bratteteig og Dagny Stuedahl (red): Exploring Digital Design, Springer, s 147-170 Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 45: Problematiseringer: rasjonalitet, effekter & performativitet



Notat om rasjonalitet

Verne, G. B. (2020, March). Adapting to a Robot: Adapting Gardening and the Garden to fit a Robot Lawn Mower. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 34-42). Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Ole Jacob Thomassen (2016). H?ndverksrasjonalitet – et alternativ til barmhjertighets-diskursen i sykepleie. I Basberg Neumann, Cecilie; Olsvold Nina; og Thagaard, Tove (eds.). Omsorgsarbeidets sosiologi. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Elektronisk kopi 


Minna Salminen-Karlsson & Diane Goley (2022): Information systems in nurses' work: Technical rationality versus an ethic of care. New Technology, Work and Employment  February 2022. Tilgjengelig elektronisk  
Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Marius Janson & Ann Brown (2002): The rationality framework for a critical study of information systems. Journal of Information Technology 17: 215-227. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Guri Verne (2014): Two faces of autonomy: Learning from non-users of an e-service. Systems, Signs & Actions 8 (1): 6-24. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Martha Feldman & James March (1981). Information as Signal and Symbol. Administrative Science Quarterly 26. 171-186. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Johanne Svanes Oskarsen & Tone Bratteteig (2024): "We kind of have to do our job alongside the digitalization" - on working with continuously changing tools. Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). EISSN: 2510-2591. DOI: 10.48340/ecscw2024_ep06.

Johnson, J. (1988). Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of a Door-Closer. Soc. Probs.35, 298. Tilgjengelig elektronisk.

Guri Verne (2017). Investigating inseparability, agency and becoming: Intra-acting with the robotic lawn mower. In Sociomateriality: Exchanges on theory and empirical issues, Uppsala Universitet 8-9. mai. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

John Law, Vicky Singleton (1999). Performing Technology's Stories: On Social Constructivism, Performance, and Performativity, Technology and Culture, Volume 41, Number 4, October 2000, pp. 765-775. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Ritzer, G., Dean, P., & Jurgenson, N. (2012). The coming of age of the prosumer. American behavioral scientist56(4), 379-398. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

MacKenzie, D. & Spears, T. (2014). "The formula that killed Wall Street": The Gaussian copula and modeling practices in investment banking. I Social Studies of Science 44 (3): 393-417. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

MacKenzie, D. & Bamford, A. (2018). Counterperformativity. in New Left Review113 Sept/Oct 2018. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Woermann, N. (2012). On the Slope Is on the Screen: Prosumption, Social Media Practices, and Scopic Systems in the Freeskiing Subculture, i American Behavioral Scientist 56(4) 618-640. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Latour, B. (1991). Technology is society made durable. In J. Law (editor) A Sociology of Monsters Essays on Power, Technology and Domination, Sociological Review Monograph N°38 pp. 103-132, 1991. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 

Sveins notat om d?rer


uke 46: Problematiseringer: automatisering & autonom teknologi



Bainbridge, L. (1982). Ironies of automation. I IFAC Proceedings 15 (6), s. 129-135. Tilgjengelig elektronisk 


Bradshaw, J. M., Hoffman, R. R., Woods, D. D., & Johnson, M. (2013). The Seven Deadly Myths of “Autonomous Systems.” IEEE Intelligent Systems, 28(3), 54-61. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Rebekka Soma, Tone Bratteteig, Diana Saplacan, Robyn Schimmer, Erik Campano, Guri Verne (2022). Strengthening Human Autonomy in the Era of Autonomous Technology. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 34 (2) Artikkel 5. Tilgjengelig elektronisk




uke 47: Problematiseringer: makt & deltakelse, demokrati, gjenstridige problemer



Stein Br?ten (1983). Asymmetrisk samtale og selvstendig syn: Opphevelse av modellmonopol. Kapittel 8 i Dialogens vilk?r i datasamfunnet. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Horst Ritter & Melvin Webber (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4: 155-169. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


demokrati (notat kommer)

Stein Br?ten (1983). Modell-monopol og informasjons?penhet. Systemteoretiske notater om demokratisering. Kapittel 5 i Dialogens vilk?r i datasamfunnet. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Stein Br?ten (1973). Model Monopoly and Communication: Systems Theoretical Notes on Democratization. Acta Sociologica 16 (2): 98-107. Tilgjengelig elektronisk

Kate Crowley & Brian Head (2017). The enduring challenge of 'wicked problems': revisiting Rittel and Webber. Policy Science 50: 539-547. Tilgjengelig elektronisk


uke 48: oppsummering




Publisert 22. feb. 2023 09:54 - Sist endret 14. nov. 2024 11:17