Labguide for the electronics course lab OJD5419

The course lab OJD5419 has been upgraded with new instruments and a new way to control those instruments from computers with Python scripts in fall 2024. The new setup has first been used in course IN5180 and there is a github directory in the cloud with a brief tutorial and some useful Python scripts here:

Controlling the lab instruments via a Python script.

To control the lab instruments via Python scripts you need to be on a specific Windows server that you can log onto remotely using VMWare, just like you do to log onto a remote Linux machine to run Cadence, see oppstsettcadencehjemmefra.html . For the lab Windows machines you will need to use the web-browser based version of VMWare. Once you followed the steps to open VMware, choose Lab Net Workstation (i.e. not ifi Worksation like for running Cadence) to open a remote Windows session on the correct server.

  1. Make a folder where you want to keep your code. Make the folder in your home directory (M:), eg. \uio\\username.
  2. Open the command prompt (search cmd and it'll be the first thing to pop up) and navigate to your folder by writing cd /folder_name
  3. Open the program Notepad++ (or any other text editor), make a new file (e.g. and copy in the code.
  4. Save the file in your folder
  5. Run the program by typing: python in the cmd and you should see the printed text appear.

(* In have a look at file to get started.*)

Published Dec. 19, 2024 11:16 AM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2025 2:16 PM