home directory/drive m: on lab machines

some of you discovered that you do not find the drive m: on the lab machines (while you DO find it on the 'Lab Net Workstation' as well as on Linux on ifi Workstation and rh7login.ifi.uio.no as /hom/<username> )

This can be rectified via a very circuitous route:

On the lab Windows computer:

1) Start the program 'Firmaportal' or 'Company Portal'

2) In 'Firmaportal' find 'UiO Legacy Home Drive' and install/run it.

3) Now you DO have access to your home drive, but seemingly not as drive m:. Instead you have to click on 'This PC' and you'll find it as 'Nettverkplasseringer -> Home Drive'

So now you should have a drive that you can access from all machines at UiO, Linux or Windows. If you work from home, you will not have access to it directly from your home machine though. For that you can open Omnissa Horizon -> view.uio.no -> File Explorer...

Published Feb. 4, 2025 9:29 AM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2025 9:29 AM