Possibility to replace part of lab 2 with extra task
There has been a major misunderstanding between the TA and two groups regarding the second half of task 1 in lab 2. As a solution intended to be fair to everyone, I will offer everybody to replace task 1B in lab 2 worth 5 points out of 16 for the entire lab 2 with an extra task to be published this week. The task has been denominated 1B in the comments in the corrected lab only, not in the original task text, so check the comments in your corrected version! If you choose to upload an answer to that extra task on devilry, your previous score of task 1B will be replaced by the score for the extra task, also if the new score is lower! So I do not recommend or expect any other groups than the two in question to do this, but anyone is free to do so.