Accumulated info for exam
Some questions have been sendt to me per e-mail of individual students. I repeat them here with the answers so that everybody gets them and add some info of my own.
1) A new version of the compendium (0.15) is available on the webpage. After questions in the Q&A session I added a table in chapter 9 that links the transistor capacitors with the general transconductance amplifier model in chapter 5. Have a look!
2) A student pointed out that the exam of 2023 had not bbeen available on the course page. that is now updated. However, the individual tasks have already been inserted into the exercises in the compendium.
3) Will the lecture slides be available at the exam? Yes, both the compendium and a single PDF with all the slides will be electronically available on the machines at Silurveien.
4) Are written notes allowed? Yes, everything non-electronic, such as notes, books, print-outs etc.