
Published May 31, 2022 11:29 AM

There is a new channel where I answer some questions about the exam as they show up in Teams. There are some entries already! You can go there via Teams or here is a direct link too:

Check it out!

(Note that these are mainly questions about the exam logistics. Since we did have a Q&A session about the lecture topics and exam questions already, I do not anticipate to spend much time answering questions about the paper exercises or former exam questions at this point, but will do so if I do find the time.)

Best regards

Published May 25, 2022 9:56 AM

Hei (English below),

jeg har sagt det i forelesningen, men allikevel er det noen som sp?r, s? bare for ? klargj?re det:

P? eksamen er alt av hjelpemidler p? papir tillat. Det st?r ogs? p? emnesiden.

Derimot st?r det ikke p? hjemmesiden at ogs? godkjent kalkulator skal v?re tillat, men det er alts? tillat! Men siden MATLAB vil v?re tilgjengelig p? datamaskinene vil du ikke virkelig trenge en kalkulator i tillegg: det er bare et sp?rsm?l av hva man foretrekker.

Listen over godkjente kalkulatorer fins her:





I have said this inthe lecture but some of you still ask, s? just to make this clear:

At the exam all support material on paper is allowed. Th...

Published Mar. 24, 2022 2:17 PM

Lab 3 is delayed and both its release and submission will be moved by one week.

Published Feb. 25, 2022 2:47 PM

You'll find it either on Teams or the courses web page under 'resources'.

Published Feb. 22, 2022 9:13 PM

I apologize for the late notice, but tomorrow's lecture will be online only (the normal MS Teams link in the schedule). I have been sick and am not entirely recovered (not Covid), and will lecture from home.

Published Feb. 15, 2022 4:10 PM

I uploaded a new version of lab1 with a small change: to gauge equivalency of a resistor and the nFET pullup/pulldown behaviour one can show that they manage 50% of the transition in the same time (as opposed to previously 90%). 90% has proven to be impossible to reach within a finite time in some cases.

Published Feb. 4, 2022 9:41 AM

The teaching assistant for the lab/simulation exercises has tested positive for Covid and will be in isolation at least until Monday. That means that the group session on Monday will be conducted per video conference!

If he is not feeling well it might also be cancelled entirely: Please have a look at the 'Lab and simulations'-channel on Teams where he will be posting updates, but be also prepared that the session might be cancelled unannounced, in the hopefully very unlikely case that he will become sick rapidly.

If everything goes well, he can be at the session in person again on Tuesday, but make sure to check the Teams channel if that turns out not to be the case!

Published Jan. 31, 2022 8:15 AM

In order for you to start working on lab 1 today, here is a beta release of lab1. Possibly there will be some minor changes later on which will be announced here.

Published Jan. 31, 2022 8:14 AM

Corona tests in the lecturers family have been negative, so nothing is in the way of going hybrid in room 'Java' on Wednesday. Always check this message board a day or so ahead of events, as quarantine might strike sometime on short notice.

Published Jan. 27, 2022 5:18 PM

For the lecture on Wednesday 2-February it might happen that the lecture has to go fully digital one more time. The lecturer might need to be in quarantine, pending a test result in his family. Check back here one day ahead of the lecture for an update! Follow the messages here in general one day before events, as lecturers and TAs might need to quarantine again on occasion.

Published Jan. 27, 2022 5:13 PM

From next week you can join the IN3170/4170 events (lecture, paper exercise, simulation lab) in-person at UiO again. The rooms used have enough capacity to enable the 1m distanceing rule. For the simulation lab groups, please stay with the group you have been assigned to! Please be considerate and do follow the 1m rule at all times! Be especially concious of that when entering and exiting the rooms. Use every other seat only. Consider wearing a face mask when not seated.

If you do not want to meet up in person, we'll make an effort to continue streaming the events via Teams. Use the same Teams  links as for the first instances of ecah event, i.e. there are separate links for lectures, paper exercises and simulation lab groups. You may join the sessions using the old links in the schedule or joining the sessions in the corresponding Teams channels.

For the lecture on ...

Published Jan. 13, 2022 10:34 AM

The course will use MS Teams for video lectures, file sharing, and chat channels. You should receive an invitation to join the Team 'IN3170/4170 Spring 2022' shortly: I am promised that the students registered on the course will be added to the Team automatically once the registrations get registered in the central SF database ... so I hope this will sort itself out in the next few days before the first lecture.

When using Teams: please make sure to be logged in with your UiO credentials and just the extension, i.e. <YourUserID> in order to have full access to file sharing and the lecture video conferences!

Published Jan. 13, 2022 10:27 AM

I just received a notification from 'Akademika', the university book shop, that they have received a contingent of the pensum book. (To avoid misunderstandings: Note that the Carusone/Johns/Martin book that is also mentioned is only 'recommended' and you do not NEED to have it! I will only show a few figures from it in the course with ample explanation.)

Published Dec. 15, 2021 11:23 AM

University rules demand that the teaching at least until 28-January will be digital. This course uses Teams.

After 28-January the situation is not yet clear. Updates will follow.