Welcome to IN3140/IN4140 - Introduction to Robotics
We have a couple of important messages for you:
- Please answer https://nettskjema.no/a/110065,
to help us figure out if we can move lecture days to Fridays at 10:15-12:00. The form expires Thursday at 11 AM.
- Group sessions will begin next week.
First group session is Wednesday 23rd of January at 10:15.
Feel free to go to the group that fits your schedule the best.
- Visit the following site for more information on the course:
https://github.uio.no/INF3480 .
- You can join our Slack workspace by following this link:
Publisert 15. jan. 2019 16:40
- Sist endret 15. jan. 2019 16:41