
Publisert 5. des. 2022 20:55

Dear all,

We have uploaded a selected set of old exam questions that resembles somewhat what you can expect. There is also the oral questions from last year.

You can find them here:
Old Exams

Publisert 5. des. 2022 10:38

Proposed solutions to the weekly exercises can be found here.

Publisert 27. sep. 2022 10:08

If any of you for unexpected reasons need a short (up to 3-day) extension to the deadline for the assignment, then use the following Nettskjema:

For longer extension contact the administration.

Publisert 19. sep. 2022 15:36

In contrast to the original plan, Petter it not available to teach on Wednesday. Instead, I will tell you about undecidability. That will be fun :)


Publisert 15. sep. 2022 11:07

The frist assignment is ready for you at /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN3130/h22/assignments/

Mathias will be happy to answer questions about it today, after you have made your exercises :)

You can start the first couple of tasks, but the final one, I will cover material on the following week.

Publisert 30. aug. 2022 15:02

Hi all,

The Astro Discourse Server i ready to be used. 
Find access from here: