Dear all,
The TA positions at IFI have now been announced. There are two positions for IN3130 which are spilt as a class-TA and correcter-TA; if the applicants are interested, I will however suggest that they are split so both TAs do half of each.
As a TA, you are not expected to understand the material, but not to know all details. We will support you in doing a good job.
Next year, the course will again be taught by Petter and I. We have a plan to change the lecture material, but the content of the course will be more or less the same.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me.
Question 5 for the exam had a small error. It asked about undecidability but should instead be:
What is characteristic for the problems we show to be NP-complete?
Has been corrected.
You can start with this first half, the other will follow shortly.
Due to a sudden family incidence, I will not be in Oslo on Friday.
The exercises will there be moved online. I will be available on the zoom link.
Obliger 3 (Assignment 3) can now be found here.
It is much shorter than the previous.
We are now getting nearer to the exam, so here are some information.
The exam is an individual oral exam without preparation. The exam will be about 30 minutes including all the formalities. You examination will be based on one of a number of predefined questions, but you can get questions in all parts of the curriculum.
Specifically, an examination will proceed as follows:
- You enter the room and draw a question at random
- First half (10 - 15 minutes) you present your understanding of the question, which can lead to possible continuously interesting discussions.
- Second half we ask you other question about the material, which again can leading to possibly other interesting discussions.
- Finally, Petter and Michael will agree on a grade.
The above can sound scary, but don't worry.
We will make all the questions available to you ...
I can see that I messed up the recording of the second part of last weeks lecture. I will re-run this (for myself) and record it.
I will at the same time also record the material that remains after todays lecture.
Hi all,
The Java program that are mentioned in Oblig2 does not seem to be found. But instead you can find pre-generated testfiles and (if you like) a c++ program.
It is located here:
and here:
Due to illness, I unfortunately have to cancel the lecture tomorrow (Oct 6).
I will cover the material from the lecture over the following weeks and mix it with some videos on part of the material. So the overall lecture plan will not change.
Some simple test sets for mandatory assignment 1 are available here.
Dear all,
After talking with Petter and the administration, the course will have an oral exam. Details and expectations will come later.
Right now we are going to find a couples of dates that fits everyone. For this I have created a Doodle, you can fill out.
Indicate the dates you are available. That is the dates where you do not have other exams. We will make sure that there is enough time around the exams for preparations.
NB! You do not have to fill with your full name. This is not an official assignment of exam dates.
You find the doodle here:
Assignment 1 is not available here:
Deadline is Monday October 11.
You can find the link to mentioned Discord server here:
We will use this until the administration gets Mattermost to work.
The link in internal for the course, so don't share it.
It is completely voluntary. If you prefer, you are welcome to send me e-mails.
Don't post more personal information than needed.
For those that will follow the lecture online, I have placed an UiO Zoom link here:
There is still not hired a TA for the course and the out-view is bleak. So we will have to do with an ad-hoc solution.
Thus, so far, I will be present for exercises every second Friday when I'm in Oslo. These will be used for collecting on the exercises for the two previous weeks. I will try to organise the lectures, so there is a good topics overlap between these two week. I have also asked the administration to extend the room reservations these days.
For the other weeks the exercises will be cancelled.
This exercises are cancelled on Friday Aug 27. But expect to have longer exercises the following Friday Sep 3, where we will work with Turing machines.
I am still working IT and administration to create the Mattermost channel, so we can use this for questions. However, this seems to be harder than one would expect.
There have been some confusion about the exam, as there are different information given depending on where you look.
I have talked with the administration and it is, as always, caused by the Corona situation. This means that the exams this semester has already been changed to ensure that it does not violate any possible future distance requirements. Specifically, that have given us (the teachers) two options as written on this semesters course page. I will as soon as possible agree with Petter about which choice is the best. As I understand last year it was an oral exam.
When you signs up for the exam you are presented with a choice: oral or written-at-home. You can choose either and it will not have an effect. This is only a side-effect of the administrative representation. No matter what you choose, you will get the examination that we choose.
About the dates of the exam. We fix these later and avoid overlap with your other exams. I'm thi...
Just to update you on a few topics:
* I'm glad to tell Petter Kristiansen, who have tought on the course previously, will join again this year.
* We have been assigned Perl, which (if you know the room sizes) is not formally large enough to fit all, but there should be chairs enough. I am told that is a feature (not an error) as the administration does not expect that all of you will show up. Let's prove them wrong.
* We are still missing a TA, but we are working on a solution.
* Finally, there were some broken links in the copy from the previous course schedule. That should have been fixed now.
Hei alle,
My name is Michael Kirkedal Thomsen. I'm a newly appointed associate professor at UiO and I come from a similar position at the University of Copenhagen. Given I am new to UiO, there is still a lot I need to learn. As you are more familiar with the course structures, I hope that you can also help me with this :)
I do not plan to make many changes to the course compared to earlier years. However, for some parts, I have a background in other material, so I might update this. This is still open.
One of the topics that have been open for some time, was if it would be possible to physical teaching. I has now been announced that this will indeed be possible, so first lecture will be as give in the lecture schedule.
A main objective for me at the first lecture, will be to get to know you and learn the level we start from. Try to consider what relevant knowledge you have gained though-out your previous courses.
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