Assignment 1 due today; Assignment 2 published, due in two weeks
Reminder everyone, assignment 1 is due by the end of today (1.9.).
Things to keep in mind (for this and every future assignment):
- push to the IN3110/IN3110-yourname repo (not your yourname/IN3110-yourname repo, which is only for the pull request). Check this URL when you think you are done, because it's what we will be able to grade. If the commits are only on your computer or only on your fork, we can't grade them.
- The assignment files should be in exactly the `assignment1` folder, not top-level in the repo, not capitalized, not `oppgave1`.
Assignment 2 is now published and due in two weeks (15.9.) If you tried to download it earlier today, you might have found that the download link wasn't working because the upload wasn't finished yet. It should be working now.
Publisert 1. sep. 2023 13:49
- Sist endret 1. sep. 2023 13:49