
Publisert 16. des. 2023 17:51

All assignments have been graded and entered into devilry. Thanks everyone and have a good break!

Publisert 22. nov. 2023 09:40

Assignment 4 has been graded. Please check your grades in devilry and get in touch at if you have questions.

A reminder: this is a pass/fail course, so you need 85 points to pass 3110 and 110 to pass 4110. Several of you are close to that already. Those of you who already have that many points after assignment 4 may choose to skip assignment 5. If you choose to deliver less than all of assignment 5, please make a note in your README of what tasks you have completed, to help the graders.

Publisert 20. nov. 2023 12:01

This week's bonus lecture has been cancelled. All materials for the final assignment have already been covered and are available in the lecture notes.

Publisert 10. nov. 2023 10:56

The TA for today's session is ill, so no group session today.

Apologies for the late notice. You can attend a different session next week.

Publisert 10. nov. 2023 10:41

Assignment 5 is published. This is the final assignment in the course. There are two fairly large bonus tasks available for folks who feel like they need the extra points.


The assignment is due in 3 weeks, on 1. December (23:59).

Publisert 7. nov. 2023 10:55

The 3-day extension deadline for assignment 4 has passed, so all repos that will be graded have been collected (excluding those of you who have longer extensions).

All grades for assignment 3 have been entered for some time. Students that have not turned in anything by the deadline have received a zero.

Please remember to check your grades in devilry and get in touch promptly if you have any questions. If you got a grade that you think is incorrect, let us know and we'll work it out.

Publisert 23. okt. 2023 09:27

There is no available TA for today. You are welcome to join another group session this week.

Publisert 17. okt. 2023 13:13

Due to illness, the lecture for tomorrow (October 18) on public data and visualization is cancelled, and will be held next week, October 25. We had an extra week built into the schedule, so this should not affect any other lecture plans.

Publisert 13. okt. 2023 12:37

Assignment 4 is published, and due in 3 weeks on 3. November, by midnight local time.

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 09:26

There is no TA available for group 3 today, so the session is cancelled.

Publisert 5. okt. 2023 10:41

The TA for today's Group 1 Session has called in sick and we've been unable to find a replacement, so the session today will be cancelled.

Publisert 21. sep. 2023 09:17

Assignment 1 is graded for IN3110 in devilry, as are most IN4110 assignments. We have some delays getting started grading IN4110 due to administrative issues with IFI, but should complete grading soon. If you are in 4110 and waiting for a grade, thanks for your patience and sorry for the delay. If you are in 3110 and waiting for a grade, let us know because 3110 should all be graded!

Publisert 19. sep. 2023 11:50

Assignment 2 was due last Friday (yesterday for those with a 3-day extension). Remember to push your work to the If you do not see your work there, it cannot be graded and you will receive a zero on the assignment. If you have received a zero that you think is incorrect, let us know at


Also remember that each assignment should always be done in the `assignment2` or `assignment3` directory, as stated in every assignment.

Publisert 19. sep. 2023 11:47

IFI has informed me that the permissions for the mattermost channel have been fixed, so all students should now have access.

Publisert 15. sep. 2023 20:58

Assignment 3 is published, due in 3 weeks on 6. October. Have a good weekend!

Publisert 15. sep. 2023 08:24

Drift has told us that they have a permission issue on the IN3110 mattermost channel that they are working to fix. Hopefully this should restore access for students soon.

Publisert 1. sep. 2023 13:49

Reminder everyone, assignment 1 is due by the end of today (1.9.).

Things to keep in mind (for this and every future assignment):

  • push to the IN3110/IN3110-yourname repo (not your yourname/IN3110-yourname repo, which is only for the pull request). Check this URL when you think you are done, because it's what we will be able to grade. If the commits are only on your computer or only on your fork, we can't grade them.
  • The assignment files should be in exactly the `assignment1` folder, not top-level in the repo, not capitalized, not `oppgave1`.

Assignment 2 is now published and due in two weeks (15.9.) If you tried to download it earlier today, you might have found that the download link was...

Publisert 30. aug. 2023 10:38

As requested by several students, we are going to try to record the lectures and uploading them to this course page. Today (30.8) will be our first trial recording.


Lectures will be available here.

Publisert 25. aug. 2023 12:12

The first assignment is now available. It is due a week from today, Friday 1. September (23:59).


Make sure to log in to and check for your repo there at `IN3110-yourname`. If it is your first time logging in, it may take an hour or so for your repo to be created, so log in as soon as possible so you can start the assignment.

Publisert 24. aug. 2023 08:32

Hi everyone, the first assignment will be published tomorrow (25. August) and will be due next Friday (1. September).

We will create a repo for you at but we cannot do this until you have signed in to at least once with your UiO account, so please do that as soon as possible. If you don't have a repo by the weekend, send us an email at with your username and we can investigate.