Grades, extensions, and links
A reminder of communication information presented in class, and some updates on grades:
- To contact the instructors, please use
- Devilry is only used for reporting of grades. Assignments are turned in by pushing to your GitHub repository at Devilry will not reflect updated due dates if you have an extension.
- Extensions: We have a new form for requesting extensions more efficiently than sending emails, so you'll get an automatic reply confirming receipt. Dates in devilry will not reflect extensions. If you sent us an extension request and got a reply, it has been granted. If you did not get a reply, email us at 3-day extensions are automatically approved, and 7-day extensions require a doctor's note, per IFI policy. If you have other reasons or needs, please contact us as soon as you can.
- Grades: IFI did not give us as many graders as we requested or had in previous years, and still has yet to approve any for 4110, so grading has been slower than it should be. IN3110 grading of assignment 1 is almost complete, and we will grade 4110 as quickly as we can.
Publisert 19. sep. 2022 12:09
- Sist endret 19. sep. 2022 12:09