Week 15: April 25 - May 2

Interactive session, Thursday May 2

Weekly lecture:


Ethics and Future perspectives


  1. Introduction
  2. Job loss
  3. Superintelligence
  4. Other ethical issues
  5. Fundamental limitations
    5b Fundamental Limitations - 2024 Update
  6. Fair machine learning
  7. Causality in machine learning


The field of ethics in AI (and future perspectives) is very large, and it is hard to find a single text covering the topics discussed this week. The first few pages of the following paper, however, give a good overview of some of the topics, so therefore this week's syllabus is:

You may of course also read the rest of the paper, but we find the chapters on ethics theory to be out of the scope of this introductory AI course.

Recommended material:

Here are a few tips if you want to dive deeper into the topics from this week:


Published Apr. 25, 2024 3:17 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2024 3:19 PM