Student peer-to-peer evaluation of mandatory assignments

Please check the guidelines for peer-to-peer code review of the obligatory assignments.

The aim of peer-to-peer assessment is to enable the students to demonstrate their understanding by discussing segments of their code with a peer reviewer (another student). While students are permitted to utilize smart assistants (e.g., generative language models) to assist with mandatory assignments, it is imperative that the students still comprehend their code thoroughly.

The peer-to-peer evaluation is conducted for every mandatory assignment of the course - thus, 3 times. The review is a simple PDF file with a few words filled in (see the template at the link above). The deadline for the nearest peer evaluation results submission (attached to obligatory 1) is March 21st.

Published Feb. 16, 2024 1:45 PM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2024 1:45 PM