Peer2peer review for mandatory excercise 1 deadline extended

The deadline for submitting your peer2peer reviews for mandatory 1 is extended till March 26, 2024.

This is due to the experimental nature of this task and due to the fact that it is the first time we conduct it. The deadline for the 2nd mandatory will be strict (April 29th).

We remind again that peer2peer review is an obligatory part of the assignment for both the reviewer and the one under review. If you do not submit the review for Mandatory 1 by the deadline, your submission for Mandatory 2 can be outright rejected. Note that the interview session can be in-person or online: this is completely up to you.

More details about peer-to-peer code evaluation can be found here.

Published Mar. 20, 2024 5:58 PM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2024 5:59 PM