This guide is for setting up your own machine with the software needed to work through the weekly and mandatory exercises in IN3050/IN4050 Spring 2022.

Setup with Anaconda

Download and install either Anaconda or Miniconda

Install Anaconda by following this guide if you are using linux, or this guide if you are using windows. If you are using windows, or just want more info on how to use conda, see this page. Once you got a working shell with conda installed you can continue the guide.

You should now have access to the conda command. For a quick test, execute the conda command without any arguments.


You are recommended to download the conda cheat sheet and keep it at hand.

Create environment

Download the file in3050_2022_env.yml you find here. Go to the directory where you downloaded the file. To create an environment with the name "in3050", and required dependencies, one command is sufficient

conda env create --file in3050-2022_env.yml

If you want to change the name of the environment, you can edit the name in the in3050_2022_env.yml file before executing the command.

Activate the environment

To activate the environment

conda activate in3050

If you want to get back to you standard python and packages:

conda deactivate

In windows you can choose environment from the start menu.