IN3050/IN4050 Updates

Dear IN3050/IN4050 students

I just sent the following to you all on e-mail, but I post it here as well to make sure that everybody sees it

This is an update on the situation for our course

1. The impact of the corona situation on IN3050/IN4050
As you all know, the government has closed the university physically for the period 12-26 March. There will be no teaching in the IFI buildings during this period. The MN faculty had already decided to cancel all teaching for the period 13-20 March. It is working on digital solutions, and the plan is to resume teaching digitally from 23 March. In the mean time, we will actively use the digital solutions that are already in place. We will update the semester course page, including messages. You should check it regularly. We will also use Piazza, and try to answer your questions there. The University is also working on solutions for the exam, and we will keep you updated when we know more.

2. The Mandatory assignment 2
Because of the closing, we have decided to give one week postponement. The new deadline will be Wed. 1 April. Use the time well. Since there will be no group sessions, ask your questions at Piazza, and we will try to answer within not too long.

We will keep you updated, but we will mainly use the course page for that.


Kai and Jan Tore

Published Mar. 13, 2020 3:41 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2020 3:41 PM