weekly exercises for IN3040 Remark: In Prolog, the suffix Ħ°/nĦħ to a predicate-name indicates the number of arguments. It is not part of the actual name, but only serves as documentation. Exercise 1 ----------- Given the following facts in Prolog: p(anne, aase, aale, 1960). p(arne, aase, aale, 1962). p(beate, anne, lars, 1989). p(bjorn, lise, arne, 1990). 1. Give rules for the relation gc(X,Y) which expresses that X is a grandchild of Y. 2. What will the result be of executing the queries: gc(beate, aale) and gc(beate, X). 3. Give rules for the relation cd(X,Y) which expresses that X and Y have common descendants. (i.e. children, grandchildren, great grand children etc.) 4. Give rules for the relation oc(X) which expresses that X is an only child (enebarn). Exercise 2 ----------- a) IN211 exam 1992, problem 2e: 1. How would you express the following facts in Prolog: "eva is anne's boss", "eva is atle's boss" and "lars is eva's boss". 2. We introduce the relation sup, such that sup(X,Y) means that X is superior to Y, i.e. X is the boss of Y or the boss of the boss of Y. Give prolog rules which defines the sup relation. 3. A collection of "boss"-facts is said to be OK if no person is superior to himself and if no person have more than one boss. Show how you can test that your facts are OK. b) IN211 exam 1997, problem 3: We consider some form for data storage divided in two, a local storage and a remote storage. (As. e.g. with memory and disk in a computer). The content of the local store and the remote store is expressed by the relation ls and rs, respectively. E.g. by the following facts: ls(1, ole). ls(2, dole). ls(3, ole). rs(1, ole). rs(2, dole). rs(3, doffen). rs(5, dolly). The first argument of ls and rs are called indexes, the second argument is called values. - Look up Write rules which describe a relation "find" such that find(I,X) is true if either ls(I,X) or rs(I,X) is true. If there are several solutions, ls solutions should come before rs solutions. - Error Write rules which describe a relation "error" such that error(I) is true if there for some index I are different values in rs and ls. Index 3 is for example wrong in the facts given above. - Multiple Write rules to describe a relation "multi" such that multi(X) is true if X occurs more than once in ls, or in rs, or if X occurs in both rs and ls, but with different indexes. How many solutions will multi(X) give (including repeated solutions), for the facts given above? c) INF3110/4110 exam 2003 problem 6. (http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF3110/h06/gamle_eksamen/INF3110-4110-2003-eks-eng.pdf) Exercise 3 ----------- Write a Prolog rule addAtEnd/3: addAtEnd(List1, Object, List2) which is true if List2 is List1 extended with Object at the end. Exercise 4 ---------- Write a Prolog rule to reverse a list. Exercise 5 (Difference lists) ----------------------------- a) Write the predicate empty_dl/1 that is true if the argument represents the empty difference list. b) Write the predicate dl_len/2 which true for dl_len(DList,N) if the length of difference list DList is N. Use Prolog's "is" infix-operator for the math operations!