PDF resource that will be available during the exam


  as promised at the lecture today, I have now uploaded the PDF file that will be available to you during the exam. JUST to be sure, the 2022 version is also avaliable - all info in the 2022 is still current, but perhaps just stick with the 2024 version ;-) Good luck!

If you feel anything is missing, just print it and bring it to the exam - e.g., your own notes, your oblig submissions etc.

See here in general, specifically: 2022 and 2024.

Apparently, the recording of the first hour failed :-(

Only the second part was recorded.

So perhaps find one of the other students that might be able to pass on some hints.

-- Eric


Published May 23, 2024 4:53 PM - Last modified May 25, 2024 9:06 AM