Messages - Page 2

Published Feb. 8, 2023 10:20 PM

Devilry opened for submission for Oblig 1 IN3030/IN4330

-- Eric

Published Feb. 5, 2023 9:58 AM

Lecture materials for L02 lecture uploaded.

Have fun with Oblig 1 :-)

-- Eric


Published Feb. 1, 2023 12:45 AM

Group Sessions start this week.

Because of lack of TAs/hjelpel?rer, Group 1 will be permanently cancelled: please pick one of the two other sessions.

The subject will be getting programs written that implement threads and a discussion of the first oblig, which will be presented at the lecture on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023.

-- Eric


Published Jan. 26, 2023 9:17 PM

Lecture materials for L01 lecture uploaded.

This includes a video recording of the first half of L01; unfortunately, the recording of the second half failed. However, just go thru the slides - and do not try too hard to understand the caching stuff - it was merely introduced and will be expanded upon later.

-- Eric


Published Jan. 24, 2023 1:27 AM


Welcome to IN3030/IN4330 :-)

The course is about taking algorithms originally developed for old-fashioned architecture that have merely one CPU core and uniform access memory (each and every memory access takes the SAME time) and transforming them into FAST paralllel programs that run on modern MULTI-core machines with complicated non-uniform access memories, where caching effects are substantial.

It is a "theory-lite", hand-on-heavy empirical course in that you will be doing a lot of programming and experimenting with your programs executing them on multi-core architecture.

Multi-core is nowadays everywhere - my mobile phone has four cores!

It is a Learning-by-doing course - no proofs, but lots of fun programming :-)

The FIRST lecture is January 25th at 12:15pm in Store Auditorium at Kristian Nygaard Hus - just a dozen meters to the west of OJD - Ole Johan Dahls Hus.

The FIRST group sessi...