Question 5 concerning the Final Exam IN3030/IN4330 Spring 2021

Question 5:

Skriv gjerne sp?rsm?let ditt p? norsk. 


  • Question 2 is titled "Cyclic Barrier using Semaphores", but it doesn't state in the question that we have to use Semaphores. Does that mean that solutions without Semaphores are accepted on the same level as those with? Further, the title of 2.1 uses the term Cyclic buffer, but this is just another term for cyclic barrier, right?



You have to use Semaphores - it says in the title.

Cyclic buffer is the same as cyclic barrier in this case (even repeated proof-reading didn't catch this error!)


-- Eric

Published May 31, 2021 9:14 PM - Last modified May 31, 2021 9:14 PM