IN3030 Exam Q&A session - "tr?sterunde"

During the one week final exam, you can send questions to UiO - they will be handled by the exam office - and possibly forwarded to me. I

will then answer by posting a new message HERE.

But I am also allowed to hold a Zoom question and answer session - what the Norwegians call "tr?sterunde" so that you can ask qustions about the final exam.

So I will hold such a Q&A session June 3rd, 2020 at 13:30 via Zoom. For security reasons, I will e-mail you the Zoom invite.

(If you do not receive the e-mail, then contact me by sending me e-mail.)

Some have asked questions about my explanation of the parallellization of insertionsort - I will review the questions and the more specific advice on the soolution - my explanation last week was quite generic and so some had problems translating it into a solution. I will expand upon the solution at the Q&A session.

The session will be recorded and show on the course website for you and for the coming semesters. If you unmute or turn on your camera, you are agreed to have your voice/image recorded and shown in the published recording. For questions, use the chat - it will NOT be published.

Good luck!

-- Eric


Published June 2, 2020 11:35 PM - Last modified June 3, 2020 10:08 AM