Importance of a good report - and second attempts on Obligs

Here, 10 hours before the Oblig 4 deadline, I would like to emphasize what we are expecting from you: Many focus on writing the required program; some, however, neglect writing a proper report. Please pay close attention to writing a good report.

It is NOT sufficient to have an excellent program that produces great results, YOU must also DOCUMENT what you have done - otherwise we cannot see or believe it!

This is ESPECIALLY true, if you are struggling with the program - and hope for a second attempt at passing the oblig. We have had cases where a second attempt was NOT granted because, albeit the student put a large effort into the oblig he/she did not DOCUMENT their effort. HAD the work done been documented, well, then they probably would have been granted a second attempt. So do not forget to spend some time on the report - even if what you are reporting is merely a half-done effort - the report can still be good :)

Good luck on the final stretch of Oblig 4.

And, god p?ske, when you get to it.


Published Apr. 12, 2019 1:56 PM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2019 1:56 PM