All Lecture Material

All Lecture Material will be available in Inspera at the exam as one big PDF file. The material includes slides, blackboard pictures, and several articles. Note that the RECORDINGS of the lectures are not included.

The big file, All-Lecture-Materials-IN3030v19, is merely a concatenation of all the material in the "Lecture Material" for each week.

You can already now access the file - I recommend that you use it in your exam preparation, e.g., you can make notes that refer to the PDF page number in the file: one example is that Hoare's 1974 article about monitors starts on page 312. Most of the file is searchable.

If you feel that something is missing from the file, make sure to print it and bring it to the exam.




Published May 30, 2019 9:52 AM - Last modified May 30, 2019 9:52 AM