Slides for the repetition lecture is available here.
An email was sent to all of you with some final practical information about the exam, but I'll share some of the information here as well:
Here follows some final practical information about the exam in IN3015/4015 on Tuesday the 14th of December.
The exam will be held in seminarrom Caml with room number 3438 in Ole Johan Dahls Hus.
The schedule for the day is the same shared earlier:
Please be outside the room five minutes before your timeslot.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Good luck, and remember to have fun when studying for the exam!
Best regards
Ole Marius Hoel Rindal
Details and a schedule for the exam on the 14th of December was posted with the slides for module 7. Please see slide 2 and 3 for details in the slides available here.
Feel free to contact me, Ole Marius, if you have any questions regarding the exam.
The exercise text for module seven is now posten here.
Good luck and have fun!
The slides from module 7 are also posted in the schedule.
Since H?vard is busy with mandatory coursework this week I will do a review on the exercise in module 5 in the group lecture today at 12:15 today.
- Ole Marius
The exercise for module 6 has now been posted in the schedule. The deadline for delivery is Tuesday 9th of November at 12:00.
The exercise for module 6 is a practical exercise. You will use the ultrasound scanner in the DSB-lab to do doppler measurements on yourself. Therefore, you need to book some time to use the lab. Those who were in the lectures did this today. If you were not present in the lecture you need to contact Yücel and H?vard to find a suitable time. Their contact info is above.
Preferably you should do this already in the next couple of days, the 28th and 29th. However, the timeslots for the group lectures next week are also possible. But you need to contact us to book some time.
A bug in the calculation of the contrast ratio (CR) in the example code for the exercise in Module 5 have been corrected.
Thanks to Helene for pointing me towards this bug! ;)
The code in the repository is now updated.
The slides and the exercise for module 5 have been posted in the schedule and thorugh the USTB repository.
Have fun!
The exerciser for module 4 has now been posted in the schedule.
Good luck and have fun :)
In second half of the group lecture tomorrow it will be possible to record datasets you can use with the beamformer you implement in module 3.
However, we need to keep track of who wants to do it. We recorded names during the group lecture today. However, if more people want to do it please send an email to the group teacher H?vard.
NB! This is not mandatory, you can simply use the data available through the exercise.
The assignment and slides from module 3 is now posted. See the schedule for links to the text and slides.
The assignment text and code is also thorugh the USTB repository.
The deadline for delivery is tuesday the 28th of September.
The exercise text and assignment 2 for module 2 have now been updated and made independent of line number.
Ex 1, Part II has been made more difficult than planned!
To make it more simple, you may replace line 35:
dx = c/f0/3; % grid point spacing in the x direction [m]
dx = c/f0/3 * (f0/2.5e6); % grid point spacing in the x direction [m]
in the file "exercise_1_soundFieldFromLinearTransducer.m"
An update will be pushed to the repo by tomorrow. The file version (in file header) will then be changed to "Version 1.1".
(Extra tips: If the simulation does not take too much time, you may in Ex 1, Part 3 (and possibly later) choose to double the number of points in the x-direction (line 33, change from 'Nx = 256' to 'Nx = 2*256') to get a better visualization of the wave field).
- Andreas
The mandatory assignment for module 2 is now available through the develop branch in the USTB repository.
The assignment text is here.
A report template is available here.
The litterature for this course is available here.
This assignment have to be delivered in by Tuesday 14. September at 12:00.
To be able to complete the exercise for module 1 you need to do the following steps.
1. Install MATLAB. UiO has a site linsence for MATLAB. You can download and install using your UiO email at
2. Install SourceTree from:
3. Clone the "develop" branch from the USTB repository An introduction to GIT, Sourcetree and bitbucket is awailable at:
4. Locate the readme from examples/UiO_course_IN4015_Ultrasound_Imaging/module_