- Transition Design - a Manifesto, 2015. Terry Irwin, Gideon Kossoff, Cameron Tonkinwise, and Peter Scupelli
- A Vocabulary for Visions in Designing for Transitions, 2018. Dan Lockton and Stuart Candy
- Holism and the reconstitution of everyday life: a framework for transition to a sustainable society, 2016. Gideon Kossoff
- Nomadic Practices: A Posthuman Theory for Knowing Design, 2020. Ron Wakkary
- Connecting the dots, chapter 17 in Systems View of Life, 2014. Fritjof Kapra and Pier Luigi Luisi
- Emergence as a Feature of Practice-based Design Research. 2022. Bill Gaver, Andy Baucher, Petter Krogh and David Chatting
- Democracy by Design: Perspectives for Digitally Assisted, Participatory
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Publisert 21. jan. 2023 19:15
- Sist endret 9. apr. 2024 09:51