Unfortunately our sensor registered by mistake the indication for the grades of P4B in Devilry for P5B. After having identified this mistake the sensor will put in the indication into P4B.
We will investigate whether systems administrations is able to delete the feedback in P5B - if not the feedback that is now in P5B will be updated when P5B is graded.
The TA for Group 3 is ill and cannot give today's group lecture. We try to organize a substitute but do not know whether we succeed.
The lecture tomorrow 25/4-2023 is cancelled/delayed due to illness. This lecture will be held on Tuesday 2/5-2023.
Vera Goebel
I will give the first general lecture about Memory Management on Tuesday March 14. All my other lectures about Virtual Memory Management (P5) and Disks & File Systems (P6) will be delayed until after the Easter break. This means the lectures will be held 2-3 weeks before the start of P5 and P6.
Hilsen Vera
The administration assigned all students to either group 1 or 2, but we have three groups and you are free to move from groups 1 and 2 to 3.
Just let your TA know that you want to follow from now group 3.
We realized that the original delivery time for all projects (which was 13:00) can put many of you in a conflict of interest because it might be tempting to work on the project until the last minute, which would mean that the first hour of the lecture will be missed.
Therefore, the new delivery time for all assignments is 11:59!
P1 starts on February 7th and many still have either not a teammate or have not yet reported that they have a teammate.
Please send the team info to and
Thanks, Thomas
All project presentations will be in Smalltalk at 12:15
We will start the group teaching in week 5, i.e., January 30th.
The course is based on six projects in which the teams develop their own operating system. For each project, there are two deliverables, i.e., a design document (Px-A) and the implementation (Px-B), except P0, which is voluntary.
The implementations of P2, P3, P4, and P5 are graded all other deliverables are mandatory and must be passed.
This term we have the following deadlines for the deliverables (they are also in the time table for the lecture listed):
Project start | Deadline Design | Deadline Implementation | |
P0 | 31. 1. 2023 | no... |
We will start teaching on January 24th with an administrational introduction. This introduction is important for all and we recommend all to come physically to the lecture. The projects will be solved in teams of two students and the time “around” the lectures are good times to find a buddy for the project.
In case you are not yet admitted to the course be optimistic and start from day 1 in the course – we try to admit all interested students.
Project P0 will start on January 31...
Vi starter undervisningen 24. januar med en administrativ innf?ring. Denne introduksjonen er viktig for alle og vi anbefaler alle ? komme fysisk til forelesningen. Prosjektene l?ses i team p? to studenter og tiden ?rundt? forelesningene er gode tider for ? finne en kompis til prosjektet.
Hvis du enn? ikke er tatt opp til kurset, v?r optimistisk og start fra dag 1 i kurset – vi pr?ver ? ta opp alle interesserte studenter.
Prosjekt P0 starter 31. januar og er en veldig god mulighet til ? bli kjent med programmeringsmilj?et, verkt?y, ++.
Vi sees tirsdag!