
Publisert 3. juni 2024 07:51

Q1: Det er maks 2500 ord uten forside, referanser og bibliografi?

A1: ja.


Q2: Er det bedre ? skrive II eller informasjonsinfrastruktur i besvarelsen?

A2: You can use II, but the first time you use it you should write ‘…information infrastructure (II)….’, so that we know what you mean with II.


Q3:Is the reference you used in your slides considered pensum? When talking about "drift" you reference a source that is not in the list of articles. But there are no other articles on this topic. Is it okay to use the article you reference in your slide?

A3: You can reference the slide and the reference: (Ciborra et al, 2000 in lecture x, slide y)


Q4: I saw the Q&A post on minestudier, and i was wondering if it was possible to deliver an exam with a front page and table of contents. I made it before i saw the anouncement, but should i r...

Publisert 31. mai 2024 07:49

here are the Questions and Answers received about the exam:


Q1:I forbindelse med eksamen i In2150, skal man skrive kilder p? casen? Hvis jeg for eksempel bruker direkte sitat derfra?

A1: you do not need to have a reference to the case described in the text of the exam. 


Q2: m? vi henvise til sidetall n?r vi oppgir pensumkildene, eller holder det med forfatterens navn og ?rstall?

A2: You need the page number only if you use a “quote"


Q3: should we refer to the case description in a certain way, or is it enough to write something like "as described in the case text ..."?

A3: It is enough to say ‘ as described in the case’


Q4: are we supposed to make the exam like a professional article, with a front page and subtitles? Or is there no such formal criteria for this exam?

A4: Y...

Publisert 21. mai 2024 11:39

Dear students,

this is the last week of the course, and you can attend the seminar in preparation of the exam (see seminar schedule). In addition, I am available for Q&A pertaining the content of the course on Thursday 10.15-12 in the usual teaching room. There is no lecture, only a Q&A session.

Recording of Lecture 12 (info on exam and course walkthrough) is now available in Panopto.

The last group assignment should be submitted by Friday 24.05, and you will know the latest by Monday 27.05 if you have passed/not passed the group project.

The exam is 29.05-03.06: during the exam period you can send questions to me: - Q&A will be published for all in an anonymised format on the course page.

Thank you for taking the course and good luck with the exam!



Publisert 25. apr. 2024 08:32

The lecture today is digital in zoom, starting at 10.15

The zoom link is on the course schedule page.

Publisert 21. mars 2024 08:04

Todays lecture is cancelled because I am sick.

I will publish the lecture slides and additional lecture notes later today

// Miria

Publisert 20. mars 2024 13:35

Hei, de 2 neste ukene har vi ikke gruppetime p? grunn av helligdager. Det betyr ogs? at vi ikke har gruppetime sammen f?r obligen. Dersom noen vil ha veiledning til obligen send en mail s? kan vi bli enige om noe!



Publisert 14. mars 2024 16:47

the presentation schedule for week 15 is here

Publisert 11. mars 2024 13:25

Dere skal holde fremf?ringer i uke 15, alle gruppemedlemmene skal v?re med og dere vil bli utdelt til ? fremf?re p? en av gruppetimene.

Tirsdagsgruppetimen har f?tt rombytte denne uken og vil v?re p? Logo 2438.

Mer informasjon om dette kommer.


Publisert 23. feb. 2024 12:18

Here is the list of the groups for the project work with assigned group number. Please check that names and grouping is correct, and use this number in your reports. 

list here

if your group is not there or there are mistakes send a mail to


Publisert 22. feb. 2024 07:36

The lecture today will be live in zoom. The link is in the lecture plan.

the recording will be audio and slides.

Publisert 19. feb. 2024 11:14

Hei, har laget en mappe som heter slides group 3 som er slides fra min gruppetime. Beklager for litt tekniske problemer p? gruppetimen i dag h?per dere fikk med dere det meste. 

mvh Peder

Publisert 18. feb. 2024 17:20
Gruppe 3 blir p? zoom her er linken
Publisert 8. feb. 2024 15:20

The deadline for submitting the assignment 0 is moved from Friday to next Wednesday 14th

Publisert 8. feb. 2024 07:41

there is no lecture in class today because of sickness. The lecture will be a recorded video.

Publisert 3. feb. 2024 14:16

the video recording of Lecture 2 is available via the link to Panopto: 

Publisert 1. feb. 2024 16:15



Here is the link to a form to fill to register your group.

Please register if you have a group or not, who are the member and if you need more participants (the questions are in the form)

Please register you group even if you have already sent an email about it.


Please reply soon so that we can set up the groups,





Publisert 31. jan. 2024 09:07

From next week there is an additional seminar series  on Tuesdays at 10.15-12.00 in seminarrom Shell (except for April 9 when the lesson will be held in Limbo (PC-rom). The schedule will soon be available on the timeplan page.

Publisert 25. jan. 2024 14:05

Thank you for attending the first lecture today. Panopto stopped recording the audio of the lecture, so there is no recording. Drift will fix it, and lectures will be recorded (slides and audio) from next lecture. 

Publisert 9. jan. 2024 09:50